2018/01/22 23:52:15
 Anyone know info fishing this lake in Spartansburg. Know it was drained 25 yrs or so ago & can get weedy & 10' at the deepest but that's 'bout it. Thinkin" 'bout buying a place next to the lake for canoeing.
2018/01/23 08:13:44
I live about 2 miles away, fished it for 50 years. It gets pounded by the amish on a daily basis when fishable.
Over grown with weeds in the summer.
Used to hold some nice pike and Bass.
There are a few Crappie left, but if the goats find the jellyhole they will be gone also..
You buy a place anywhere near the Pond you will be surrounded by goats.
The hunting and fishing both suffer...
2018/01/23 18:56:33
 Thanks, That's about what I thought when I saw all the buggies in the area. A Amish girl that was walking the trail said the same better yrs. ago & the weeds. Too bad it would be a very short carry with a canoe from the house. Nice saw mills in the area. If you don't mind me asking do you like the area in general & any nice streams & lakes around that u like.
Thanks again,
2018/01/23 23:51:54
Oil Creek which starts at Clear Lake dam..Best for trout if you head south a little.
Brokenstraw Creek is a short drive and has about anything you want to catch in it.
French Creek is within 20 minutes...
Canadohta Lake is not far. Can be a tough lake till you learn her secrets.. 
Bull Dam/ Eaton Res., 20 minutes north. Good Pike and Bass fishing and some nice crappies.. Used to be our go to ice fishing lake.
Woodcock Res. 30 minutes south. Excellent Musky and Walleye lake. Another good ice destination.
Have lived here for 58 years.. Nice quiet little town. Lots of hunting ground..
Amish population is really growing, they are buying up everything.
So you should be prepared to drive over a few road apples and pay no attention to the boom boxes in the buggies.
2018/01/24 05:51:45
Nothin like hitting piles of roadapples and flippin em into the bow as you tow your boat. Those boomboxes drown out the Amish singing to their horses, shame too, sum them boys can sing.

On a more serious note, Bings would you say the land value has increased, since the influx of Amish? Land in my area sells before a realtor can drive his sign post in the ground.
2018/01/24 07:07:05
Yes land cost (I can't say value) has risen.
They can build anywhere they want so even swampland that a yankee could never build on or get to perk for a septic system is on the rise.. Shame when 80% of the newly built homes have no building permits, wiring, plumbing and you have to crap in a hole in the ground. When the amish go to sell it is a hard sell as only other amish can really buy the places.. The cost for a yankee to get these places up to code would be crazy high...
Sad when over 40% of the residents in Sparta township use an outhouse for a septic system.. No we don't drink from the creeks anymore...
2018/01/24 10:15:03
I know of a nice little home built less then three years ago, three bedroom & (?) baths with full basement and a buggy house with loft.  Realtor says the place is fully wired to the utility boxes with a 200 amp panel (no breakers), no meter box but ready for electrical service to be installed from the pole (across the road).  I honestly don't know if there is plumbing to or in the house.  It's a nice looking place from the outside and comes with fully functional cloths drying  line just off the front porch.  There is no land, other than the lot the home sits on so the occupants had to find other work which was logging and sawyers.  Apparently with only one stationary mill and three portable mills operating in the area there was not enough work available so the family pulled out, leaving the home empty.  I hear, this family was part of a 6 family clan, all leaving the area.
As for permits and inspections, I can't say if the builder (Amish I would imagine) needed to apply for either.  I do know in my humble little Twp, no permit is required provided a structure falls below so many sq. ft. and I suppose with no plumbing and electric there would be no need for inspection.
There's not a trip to town when my wife will say "look another barn" and I will chuckle and say yep, Jesus was a carpenter and thus is every Amish man so they build, and when they finish building they begin building something else.
Land value did increase in my area being there is no vacant land for sale, as when it becomes available, the Amish or a English grain farmer is gonna scoff it up.  Yes even swamp land, if there is enough area to build a house and pasture a horse and it don't need to be on the same side of the swamp.  Hay is beginning to become a commodity worth cutting,  most tillable fields are used for crops such as corn and soybean.
So long story short, other than the Amish can clean out a lake of it's fish, or completely eradicate an area of it's stupid white tailed deer, in addition to giving away all the organic fertilizer one might use (of course you must shovel it from the road in front of your house (but the shipping is always FREE!)) I would recommend purchasing a residence in or near a Amish community but only after, I learned of the builder, wired or not.
2018/01/24 17:27:22
 Guess we have a decision to make then see what happens. Thanks for all the info. guys.
2018/01/27 11:07:35
 We decided on another place near Linesville instead. Only 10 min. from the house loaded with tools & materials for easy access. We like the area & only a hr. from home (deal breaker) Small crick/spring on property (Chubs/Minnow storage) Gonna go change the locks today & take some measurements. Liked the place next to  Clear Lake & the taxes up there are as cheap as can get but just a little too far a drive as we ain't gettin' any younger.
Thanks again.
2018/01/27 11:21:46

My Wife and I had hoped to get a place on the Allegheny but I think the owners really don't want to sell. Asking wayyyy tooooo much money.

Enjoy your new place.

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