2017/11/28 20:28:03
Mikesdad I am finding your thread to be quite interesting. Reminds me of the late 70s early 80s when a group of anglers from the area campgrounds voiced our concerns over the total
eradication of weeds in Wilhelm. Seems we heard that same story of invasive species and phosphates.

We also learned the park was most eager to meet with special interest groups regarding the Lake Wilhelm fishery. That's when the lake became a "trophy bass lake" and things began to go down hill. Then came the idea of "fish specific lakes" and bingo Wilhelm becomes an attraction to many bass clubs and several competitions each year.

Then suddenly there's a new Sheriff in the PBFC and a few years later comes a major shakeup when John Arway is railroaded in as the new Commander at the helm.

I hear things are improving on John's personal project and that's OK. Since the main focus is now "SOS" we now hear Lake Wilhelm will correct herself and alllll those shad put there from anglers bait buckets will just fad away.

Fear not walleye and steelhead fishers alike. Hope may be on the horizon.

2017/11/29 09:37:07
I'm done basically complaining about the Fish Commission in my answer above, but not totally done.
I don't understand their reasoning on many issues but I would bet it's mostly about spending dollars and justify it with half good answers. They waste money on certain programs then just make up excuses galore on others.
They will stock tons of Walleye into Pymy then allow the spawning season to stay open all year round allowing that fiasco to go on at the Spillway and other spawning sites year after year ! Can anyone open their eyes to common sense in that Commission !
They now won't stock a fish in lower Shenango River a place that has excellent wade fishing, parking , and access for young and old and even handicap people, because a Bass had too much PCB in it's tissue. Yet all of the Shenango Valley's water source comes from that same area of water and they ( Aqua Water Co. ) claim PCB levels are fine. Some of the biggest size Walleye in Mercer or Crawford County have been caught in that river over the years due to a good stocking program that has now completely ended ! Seems all the fish lived for years in that ecosystem . I never heard of a fish die off ever on that river in 60 years.
They screwed Shenango Lake on low Walleye stocking one year and never made an effort to remedy the problem, but they will pump more Walleye into Pymy for the Springtime Snag -A- Thon at the Spillway !
Now they put all stocked Trout into upper Shenango River to make up the difference from shutting down the lower river. Ever try fishing in a river full of timber, mud banks , dead slow drifts , and no parking.... go fish here ! Won't be long they will stop stocking here complaining not enough fishermen interested in this area. Another win for the Fish Commish to stop stocking and save money. 
I like the part they say Wilhelm is ageing .......how old is Pymy ? ...lol
Age hurts one lake but not others.
Trying to get the Fish Commission to change up some thinking and spending is total waste of time in my book. I see none will ever respond to this site with some input or reasoning....after all what do local fishermen know were not college educated in water ecosystems . And yes I have wrote them only to hear the same BS as above ! Excuses galore, never a common sense answer yet. 
Ever notice their answers are the Bass fishing is great , Crappie are doing fine , Catfish are biting good, Bluegill and Perch are starting to pick up.....every species they don't stock or manage !!!! ...lol.....go figure !
2017/11/29 12:37:31
I'm sure it has to come down to money.  They collect, the state takes, then they are only left with so much.  I'm guessing much of what the state takes, ends up fixing the dams, invasive weeds and other species and other projects that we hear about, and not fixing what many recreational anglers feel are problems.  There is only so much money to go around, and I would imagine, they end up getting cheated out of the money they collect, to use.  So, instead of them telling the truth, they side track.  They are government, and that seems to be how our government operates.
I agree that their management is bizarre at best at times.  Your example of Pymie walleye is spot on.  Even Arthur's walleye seem to be a waste.  Granted, I love it when I get one, and wouldn't want them to stop stocking, but is rather rare to catch them there.  There are a few guys that have figured them out, but most fishing that lake haven't.  I would assume the vast majority, end up in the belly of a wiper or other fish, before they are 10".  Which is why, I think both Arthur and Shenango don't have great walleye populations, and part of what I was referring to, about the wipers not being opportunistic feeders, rather than just keyed in on one species.  Everything that I have read about them, notes that they are opportunistic and will gorge.  They will go after the easiest prey, so schools of shad/alewives are going to be that for them, since the most abundant and travel in large easy to locate schools.  But if they run into a school of walleye fry, I would bet a paycheck that they don't leave them alone.  Especially if there was an extremely harsh winter, that killed off 80% of the shad they were used to gorging on.  They're like hungry teenage boys that love pizza.  If the pizza runs out, they'll eventually eat whatever is in the fridge.  Which is why I would think that the PFBC are very apprehensive about stocking them in other lakes.  Obviously, the cost of stocking them is likely their primary factor, but they have to factor in how much more those fish cost them on their collateral damage too.  
In all honesty, we should all want self sustaining fisheries to keep costs low.  Unfortunately, they aren't the species many of us want to catch...
2017/11/29 13:19:48
Capt. "There is a sucker born every minute" and the PFBC is not talking about 'the fish',  rather, the fisher!  When the PFBC biologist came out with the BS saying 'trout' could survive in waters below deep water compounds because the water coming from the bottom of the lake was cold enough to sustain survival of the trout, the writing was on the wall.  Goodbye stocking anything but trout in those waters and you fishing those waters without first "buying a trout stamp" even though you aren't fishing for trout.
The "proof is in the pudding",  say goodbye to your little friend,  Shenango River fishery.
Yes we have all written or spoken our piece, in some shape or form, to the PFBC.  Yes we have all received the same reply, in some shape or form.
If you have not read the article from the link I supplied, you should.  The pressure is on, time for concerned anglers to tighten the 'thumb screws', not by writting the PFBC but writing the House Game and Fish Committe.
Do it.......... today!!   Check with your local Rep Offices for addresses of those that represent you!!
Following is a snippet of the article, note where Arway is threatening the cuts, to rile the anglers for pressuring the politicians.
Lawmakers haven’t authorized an increase in fishing license fees since 2004, prompting Fish and Boat to reduce staff by attrition. State senators voted to give the agency authority to control license fees, but a similar proposal and another bill to increase 2018-19 license fees have not been given a vote in the House Game and Fisheries Committee. When Fish and Boat Commissioners ordered Arway to slash $2 million from its 2018-19 budget, the director let it be known that if the House didn’t vote on the bills he’d reduce services by closing two warm-water fish hatcheries, one trout hatchery, make “severe” cuts in the cooperative nursery program and perhaps restrict waterborne first-responder training. Further, during the months before the 2018 election Arway would tell voters which candidates were responsible for there being 240,000 fewer stocked trout.     
Link to the above article: 
Arway must GO!! 
2017/11/29 14:13:16
Hey maybe since I've been annointed the most disliked and the biggest BSer on the forum (to which yinz'll get no argument from me), I could go to work for the PFBC as a press agent. 
Here's my release for Wilhelm, Shenango and Arthur.  Walleye stocking will be brought to a complete halt for the aforementioned lakes.  However the time frame for this practice is unknown but it is assumed, without walleye fingerlings/fry to feed on, the toothy critters will need consume all other fishbait/baitfish inhabiting aforementioned lakes.   In due time, the larger hybrid predators will self eradicate from  lack of breeding, food or, blue army thereby making aforementioned waters once again safer for stocking only species of fish, considered appropriate for table fare. 
No applause please, just send money
2017/11/29 19:20:20
Yo Captain Hook!! How are you? Enjoying retirement I am guessing!!
Captain Hook said:
"Trying to get the Fish Commission to change up some thinking and spending is total waste of time in my book."
BTDT said:
"Yes we have all written or spoken our piece, in some shape or form, to the PFBC.  Yes we have all received the same reply, in some shape or form."

You ask them a question and its like you push a button on their chest like a 'Chatty Kathy' doll.
You get a 'canned' response.
"We are working on that."
"The problem will take care of itself."
"We can't afford to stock fish in that stretch of creek or favorite lake that you are so passionate about!"
"We've been pretty busy with the musky lakes to bother sampling Wilhelm!"
and on and on as some of us know.
And yet some people suggest that we should be more polite and maybe say 'purty' please to the fish commission.
Thank you both Captain Hook and BTDT for chiming in,
A lot of good points!
Greatly appreciated!!!
I am going to meet with the Park Manager at Wilhelm on Friday just to chat.
I joined FROG. (Friends of Goddard State Park)
I have no illusions of changing the system but I certainly can be a P.I.T.A.
2017/11/29 20:01:38
Yes I am enjoying my retirement "Dad" and I hope all goes well with you and all my old working friends ! My son keeps me posted on the latest shop talk.
Keep active with the fishing info and news. I criticize the Fish Commish but once in awhile they do get it right locally.
Shenango has the biggest Stripers probably in the whole state of Pa.! Too bad they don't have a single species record for Hybrid Stripers. Why not ? I know Shenango would place every year! That's another stupid thing , why do they lump in all Inland Stripers in one category, those Raystown's Stripers are not the same species as Hybrids.
Not fair at all to compare Raystown Stripers that can go 50lbs. to Hybrids !
Also Pymatuning has the best Musky fishing in the state hands down, so that program is working very well !  
2017/11/29 21:26:24
Mikesdad, Wilhelm once supported five bait shops and now only two remain. Some of the changes I've seen since I first began fishing Wilhelm. Less and less fishing/pontoon boats. More and more Bass style boats including very high priced Rangers. Fewer and fewer story's of walleye and crappie fishing. More and more "bucket mouth bass" being caught. Boat launches filled with contestants weighing in their "lunker bass". Smaller and smaller crappie and bluegill coming from the lake. Strong fishy smells and huge pods of baitfish swarming the surface of the water. Coves and shallow humps once covered, completely barren of aquatic growth. Then in the past three years, more growth in once barren locations, crappie returning both in numbers and size. Bluegills returning as well. Walleye, while not in great numbers are once again being caught. More and more fishing/pontoon boats with family's aboard enjoying a day of fishing. Less and less Ranger Boats. All this, in a short period of time.

In addition, we see reports from staunch anglers who have broken away from Pymie and are now fishing Wilhelm.

Yep Wilhelm is alive again.........

Now time fir the BTDT brow beating.

Having seen pontoon and other boats nearly or filled to capacity with anglers and watching cooler after cooler of "pan fish" being unloaded from these same boats, might a size or "creel limit" be a good idea at this time?

Oh, and a ban on shad as fish bait? Yep, the lake opened how many years ago and only in the past 15 years we see baitfish so thick in places, you can smell em coming'. All because of a fisherman's baitbuck. Yessir.
2017/12/15 20:05:32
The meeting for the Friends of Goddard (F.r.o.g) is Tuesday evening at 630 at the park office. See ya all there
2017/12/31 23:31:25
Pa Fisher
The state needs to make Wilhelm a panfish enhancement lake.  I have experienced several lakes in PA that were made enhancement lakes, and the before and after was like night and day.  Not only crappie but also bluegill and the like.  Can't wait to see pymie in a few years.  There were always big crappie in there but it is going to get so much better.

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