2017/11/27 19:00:58
Sent an email to the park office a few months ago per the shad problem at Lake Wilhelm and when the next biologist report was due to be conducted:
Took awhile but finally received a ('canned') reply:
Dear Mr. MikesDad,
Thank you for the question regarding our next scheduled survey in Lake Wilhelm. I’m the fisheries biologist responsible for managing the fishery populations in Lake Wilhelm. We anticipate conducting another routine lake sampling survey either next year or if not by 2019. Again, like most of our lake surveys that are  conducted annually this will depend on staff availability and our prioritization of other lakes that are to be sampled over the next two years. Due to the size of this impoundment it requires combined efforts both our Area 1 and Area 2 fisheries management offices to effectively sample and access the status of the lakes fish population. For the past three to four years our office has been concentrating its efforts primarily on our musky lake populations. Results of this survey work, along with other information, was used to update the Musky Management Plan in making some necessary changes to our stocking program. I see much of this musky targeted sampling work winding down at this point, given the plan was recently finalized, which should provide us the opportunity to return back to many of our Area 2 lakes that haven’t been sampled in the past 8 to 10 years.
Thanks for the question.
Brian A. Ensign| Fisheries Biologist – Area 2
Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Commission
172 Fish Hatchery Lane | Tionesta, PA 16353
Phone: (814) 755-3890 | Fax: (814) 755-3452
Email: bensign@pa.gov
2017/11/27 19:04:30
Just food for thought
My reply to him was as follows:
Dear Mr Ensign,
2004,  2010 and then maybe in 2019 for the next biologist report?
Hmmmm…..sounds to me like, “Maybe if we ignore the problem it will go away”.
( as in Gizzard Shad/Fish and Boat Commission)
Yes, of course I know that the fish commission has increased the number of walleye and musky ‘fingerling’ that they have been stocking in Lake Wilhelm to try to address the bio-mass of gizzard shad.
I also know the growth rate of the above mentioned fingerling. ( as I am sure that you are aware as well)
I also know the growth rate and lifespan of the Hybrid Stripped Bass that would certainly help alleviate the problem at Lake Wilhelm.
What weren’t caught by anglers, would die off in 7 years.
But no, we can’t have Hybrids in the lake.
Yes, I understand. You cannot upset ‘the balance’ of the lake by introducing Hybrid Striped Bass, as I was told by a “Fish Cop” at the launch one when I suggested it to him about 6 years ago.
Like I told him……”Upset the ‘balance of the lake????”
“What is the balance NOW??!!”
He replied, “Well, we’ve seen this before. It will take care of itself.”
Really now.
Enough said.
Good luck on your concentration on the Musky fisheries in the area and the management of them.
I’m sure that that is important to some people and great for publicity and public funds for the Fish Commission.
Really can’t blame you for putting off the biologist report for Lake Wilhem.
Who would want to spend days over there pulling those stinking, slimy Gizzard Shad up in the nets by the thousands and then have to publically deal with the issue once it is made known??
Thank you for the ‘canned’ reply Brian.
Take care.
2017/11/28 08:24:58
I'd love another wiper lake, but I'm not sure they are the fix for this.  They are expensive to implement, and will eat everything in sight.  They do not key in on gizzard shad, so juvenile fish they are stocking are just as likely targets.  So, upsetting the balance, is definitely a factor.  A long cold winter will pretty much eradicate the gizzard shad, but won't do anything on the wipers, who will then just eat anything else that swims and will fit in their mouths.  Lake Arthur has alewives, that are much more tolerant of the cold winters, so needs something to keep them in check.  The state is probably wishing they never started the striper experiment there, since the purebreds didn't work, but ended up with an artificial forage base that they had to keep stocking hybrids to keep in check.  The gizzard shad are thick in Arthur as well right now, but only due to a few mild winters.  A good long stretch of hard water will kill the majority of them off, as it will in Wilhelm.  Not all, but not much will.  They are a native species to the river/creek systems, and their young are great forage for just about all fish.  They are very cyclical in their populations, and as noted by the "fish cop", will take care of itself.
Your response was very emotional based, and rather demeaning.  You should really proof read what you are sending to people, that you are asking for something.  Write as if you are writing to someone you respect (parent, boss, teacher, ect).  Better things happen for you, when you treat others with respect.   
2017/11/28 08:47:38
Your response was very emotional based, and rather demeaning.  You should really proof read what you are sending to people, that you are asking for something.  Write as if you are writing to someone you respect (parent, boss, teacher, ect).  Better things happen for you, when you treat others with respect.   

NOW THAT THERE'S FUNNY, comin from PORKTOWN...................
2017/11/28 13:41:06
If they put wipers in Wilhelm, can I fish for them in the dead of August? Asking for a friend...
2017/11/28 13:52:19
fishin coyote
Yes,Yes you can. 
2017/11/28 14:21:44
Kill and grill as many as the law allows.  Releasing fish that you know are going to die?  To each his own.
2017/11/28 18:10:02
Porktown spare me the ethics lesson.
You don't know me.
So after years of getting the proverbial 'pat on the head' as in, "It will be fine!!!"....."It will take care of itself!"..."We just need a good hard winter freeze!".... etc etc and so on and so forth
Today I received an email from the Park Manager that dealt with me in FACTS.
That's all I was looking for and I have every intention of following his advice.
Greatly appreciated this reply.
Email from Park Manager Bill Wasser :
Hi Mr. ,
In my heart of hearts I appreciate your passion for Lake Wilhelm and the fishery.  I grew up on this lake fishing it with my Dad, so I can thoroughly relate to that commitment.
Back in the 1980’s I volunteered at Goddard as a C.A.R.P. (a title my friends and I came up with as we picked up litter along the causeways. --- Concerned Americans Resolving Pollution).  We even made the Sharon Herald once.  I took that article with me to my interview back in 2007.  The paper was yellow and faded but it must have showed the interviewers of my passion for the lake and I got the job.
When I got here in 07, people were complaining about the fishery calling Wilhelm “the Dead Sea”.  We held a public meeting at which about 30 anglers were present.  PA Fish and Boat Commission attended and heard the public concerns.  You are correct in pointing out that one of the tactics to try to address the problem with Gizzard Shad numbers is to increase the predator fingerlings.  I believe as a result of that stocking program, we have seen increased walleye catches and we are even starting to see some larger bluegills and crappies being caught.  I have expressed my gratitude to Fish and Boat for those efforts and will do so again here. 
Gizzard Shad are not the only problem Lake Wilhelm is experiencing.  The reservoir is aging, and based on some preliminary water quality studies on some of the tributaries, we are helping it along.  Phosphorous is entering the lake and speeding up the process of eutrophication.  That is evident especially in late summer when we see some algal blooms.  I have been working with the Mercer County Conservation District and others to see how we as a community can address that issue.  Adding to that, our Park Ranger just discovered a new invasive species in the lake (European Frog Bit).
The point of all this is that, we cannot manage in a bubble.   The introduction of new species whether intentional or not can and does impact lake ecosystems.  Sometimes we don’t see all of the ramifications for years after the introduction.
In conclusion, please let me say I’d love to have you join our Friends group (Friends of Goddard) and head up a committee to work as volunteers in the watershed.  They are a great group of people who love the lake and park and do so much to help us out.  At the same time, I want to apologize to you for not having met your expectations with regard to managing the lake resources.  I can’t in clear conscience allow Brian and PFBC to assume sole liability.   The lake ecosystem is too complex to point fingers in any one direction.  I would like to invite you also to participate in a Lake Wilhelm Watershed program that we will be presenting with Mercer County Conservation District next Spring.  I’d be happy to send you the dates and information. Please let me encourage you to come and visit with me at the park office any time.  Let’s sit down and look at the issue of the fishery holistically and see what we can come up with.  I would look forward to doing so.
Have a great Holiday Season.
William F. Wasser | Park Manager
2017/11/28 19:04:26
Who cares about a fix for Shad it will never happen . That cold and ice kill is boloney on our local lakes. Sure some die off, but never enough to hurt the species when they are in massive numbers. Shenango lake has been "full of Shad "since 2006 and hasn't dropped yet in Shad numbers, and it's got the biggest Stripers in a 50 mile radius guaranteed ! I have personally seen mega schools of Shad balls every year from 2006-2017. So as far as the problem taking  care of it self I say Banana Oil ! I hate to say it but Shad are by far the #1 bait they do key in on . Seen them just crushing schools of surface Shad many a day, not that they won't suck in a small game fish but Shad is steak to those sharks !
Fill it (Wilhelm) with Hybrid Stripers at least you'll have something to catch ! Best fighting game fish around and numbers can be totally controlled .Shenango would be a dead sea if it weren't for Hybrid Stripers and Crappie. And the Fish Commish doesn't stock Crappie !
Hybrid Stripers won't hurt a thing they just won't spend money buying more or trying to start a Striper program !  It's all about cutting and saving and making excuses. We have a fish that is super fun to catch, grows fast,fights hard , and loves to eat Shad all year and the Fish Commish is a sleep at the wheel....oh that's right toss out more 6" Trout, just don't put them in Shenango River it's loaded with PCB's, but it's safe for all of Mercer County to drink !...go figure that one ?????   
Musky program.... there's another joke ! We all know Pymy is the only good producer of large and numerous Musky every year. Shenango Lake doesn't have weed beds and therefore Musky just don't do well as far as numbers. I believe they stopped stocking Shenango Lake with Musky and I know they stopped stocking the lower Shenango River a few years ago. If a lake doesn't have weeds and forage it doesn't take an Einstein to know Musky will not fare well. They have also done away with the Tiger Musky program altogether I believe .....more savings !
As far as biologist reports I'm still waiting on the nets that were seen in Shenango last Spring by some fishing friends....still no report ...so don't hold your breath on Wilhelm ! 
Seems to me the PA. Fish Commish keeps cutting stocking of all game fish more and more and tossing out excuses more and more ! Shenango Lake has taken major cuts in all but Stripers. One year they stocked only 1,800 fry Walleye, made up an excuse but they didn't make the number up the following year like they should have done . Five years from now they will say Shenango Lake's Walleye numbers are too low therefore it won't qualify for more stocking with the new Inland Walleye Program so all Walleye stocking stops ! Bet me that don't happen !!
I'm done ...............
2017/11/28 19:51:36
Ethics lesson wasn't for you.  Not sure if you follow the Lake Arthur board, but was in reference to the wise crack from PSU, which was kind of funny.  There was debate over people purposely targeting wipers in the middle of the summer, after possibly the most respected angler on that lake (Crappiefisher) noted multiple studies of mortality rate being drastically affected by water of 80 degrees or higher.  I used to do it, until I knew better.  This was in no means targeted at you. 
I was only suggesting, if you are looking for the PFBC to start stocking, attacking one of the guys with some say to make it happen, likely isn't the best approach.  You could have easily picked apart his "canned" reply in a calm fashion.  Go through each of the excuses that you have been presented with, research and site studies that prove their excuses incorrect.  Take your work and present it to the Mercer County Conservation District.  Send it to the Sharon Herald or other.  That is how change is made.  I would say that Captain Hook would give you a hand, but he is done...  I am being serious, if you guys are confident with your facts, and have a way to prove them, you can make a difference.  It very well may just come down to what I believe all three of us mentioned.  $$$

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