2017/11/29 12:18:04
pensfan appears to be the Ahole, and not near the happy person he claims to be.

Never considered calling him a Ahole.   Seriously I wouldn't, Ahole's have a purpose in life.
That being said, I did feel the need to correct him on the color of the Fish Hawk,  no telling what might happen if he approached the wrong boat, with his attitude.  He harasses the wrong person, who knows what could happen. 
With all the personal video equipment people carry today,  it would be mighty easy to prove no less than a hate crime taking place.
Good times and tight lines.
2017/11/29 12:30:27
Such is life on the big side of town.
2017/11/29 13:42:09
Where-ever the hell the "big" side of town is? 
Give me my "little" piece of Penn's Woods any day, even if it means giving up "big" space for a "little" piece of the Allegheny River bank.   No need to "take vacations" or "go fishing",  I "wake up" to it everyday.......   #sad????
River people are cool.
Good times and tight lines be with you all the time.
2017/11/29 14:47:12
 Bearly containing myself,  wife asked me this morning if I'd seen a receipt on the printer aaaaand of course I said "why, nooo dear" as I barely kept from leaping in the air.  "Well" said the wife, "you need to check the printer or the computer, I ordered something and the receipt must not have printed".  "Certainly" I said, "I'll get on it right now, what might I be looking for"?  Bearly able to keep from laughing herself she said, "my sister asked me to order a Christmas gift for her, your brother in law wants to take up fishing.  Now give me the receipt"!!!  
No...... really, it's true, I have cabin fever and I can barely help myself.  HONEST!!

Moi, BS about something as important as this? Gotta git, need to repackage things afore my better half gits home from shopping. I sure do hope she is BSing me about that receipt.Attachments are not available: Download requirements not met


Attachments are not available: Download requirements not met
2017/11/29 15:47:34
Your brother in law is gonna love that rod, BTDT. :)
2017/11/29 16:28:32
Your brother in law is gonna love that rod, BTDT. :)

 C'mon that's not fair, I thought you'd be rooting for me.
2017/11/29 17:21:56
Walleye jigs
Hey brother in-law I'll be by this weekend to claim my stuff! By the way don't forget the receipt!
2017/11/29 17:52:36
Walleye jigs
Hey brother in-law I'll be by this weekend to claim my stuff! By the way don't forget the receipt!

2017/11/29 18:22:26
pensfan appears to be the Ahole, and not near the happy person he claims to be.

Never considered calling him a Ahole.   Seriously I wouldn't, Ahole's have a purpose in life.
That being said, I did feel the need to correct him on the color of the Fish Hawk,  no telling what might happen if he approached the wrong boat, with his attitude.  He harasses the wrong person, who knows what could happen. 
With all the personal video equipment people carry today,  it would be mighty easy to prove no less than a hate crime taking place.
Good times and tight lines.

Well Pap, you know nothing about me. Maybe I'm the wrong person to be harassed? Ever think of that? Meaning I can take care of myself, thanks for concern first off. Secondly, I made a comment to some else's post. It was an observation on this thread and many many more. Not shortly after, I get a PM from a long time member of the boards. The jist of it was basically " BTDT has chased other members away with posting on every thread, day in and day out., everyday with mostly nonsense". In the meantime, you naturally take your usual tact. Start with "troll" this and "fan club". "Flipper lip" ... blah blah blah. You know, how you react to everyone that calls you out on some BS After that it was game on. Now as for "hate crime" and how you automatically cut and pasted that PM ( like I knew you would).... I would do simply as I stated prior. Introduce myself, tell you your azzhat, tell you why I think that and go about my way. I think we have actually "met" once before at Pymie, for what that's worth. We had just trailered and I was empting the livewell and getting a count as you stood watching. Now I could be wrong and probably am but I know I've seen that boat before. NEVER did I ever imply ANY kind of physical altercation would ensue or any kind of violence would take place. If you can't take someone "not liking" you then you are #sadder than I thought.
2017/11/29 19:44:17


Well Pap, you know nothing about me. Maybe I'm the wrong person to be harassed? Ever think of that? Meaning I can take care of myself, thanks for concern first off. Secondly, I made a comment to some else's post. It was an observation on this thread and many many more. Not shortly after, I get a PM from a long time member of the boards. The jist of it was basically " BTDT has chased other members away with posting on every thread, day in and day out., everyday with mostly nonsense". In the meantime, you naturally take your usual tact. Start with "troll" this and "fan club". "Flipper lip" ... blah blah blah. You know, how you react to everyone that calls you out on some BS After that it was game on. Now as for "hate crime" and how you automatically cut and pasted that PM ( like I knew you would).... I would do simply as I stated prior. Introduce myself, tell you your azzhat, tell you why I think that and go about my way. I think we have actually "met" once before at Pymie, for what that's worth. We had just trailered and I was empting the livewell and getting a count as you stood watching. Now I could be wrong and probably am but I know I've seen that boat before. NEVER did I ever imply ANY kind of physical altercation would ensue or any kind of violence would take place. If you can't take someone "not liking" you then you are #sadder than I thought.


Now I'm getting the "jist of BS" beginning with the comment toward "someone else's post" followed by the "PM received".   However, because I do not know you (nor care to), I should like to give the benefit of doubt, by allowing you to post the names of those of who I have chased away.  Not that it really matters because like you, they were probably whiners, and did nothing but complain or troll. 
As for "actually meeting once before at Pymie", just another line of BS on your part, I don't stand and watch other anglers count their fish".  Just another one of your sly little innuendos intending to insult. 
I have no doubt you may have seen a boat similar to the Fish Hawk, there are plenty of others around.  Another correction that's needed involves your sneaky little intimidating PM.  I didn't "cut and paste", I quoted you word for word on both of your PM's so others may see and yes I still have the originals on file.  Again, giving you the benefit of doubt, perhaps you might show everyone, in that exact quote, where you said you would "introduce yourself"? 
So a few words to the wise, it is said "ya can't teach an old dog new tricks" unless ya know the tricks he can play.  So it's best to go your way, and "leave an old sleeping dog lay".Capiche? 
PS. I ain't your "Pap", you ain't lucky enough!

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