2017/11/28 20:25:00
Lol. As I said post after post after post. No troll Pap, just an observer
2017/11/28 20:34:04
Here's the deal, you know nothing about everything. Guys get sick and tired of reading you going on and on. Believe I'm not the only one that thinks your a joke. Maybe you have no friends or no life or whatever. I find it hysterical that you start mostly nonsense threads, then talk to yourself on said threads. Somewhere North of 6100 posts in 4 years speaks for itself. Jus Say'IN. As I stated, I'm not the only one, but I am part of the handful that have no problem calling your BS, BS.
2017/11/28 20:57:53
Mercy sake flipper lip you must be a bigger fan than I figured. Will you be changing your handle to BTDTFAN1?

Really appreciate you mentioning the number of post too. You must enjoy my threads a lot. Say, I bet you're running for President of the BTDT Fan Club ain't ya. C'mon ratchet jaw you can tell me, your secrete is safe here. You're wantin to be the president of the fan club. HEY 'erybody, vote for BTDTFAN1!!

Good luck with your campaigning and don't forget to "like me" .... 10-4? [snicker]
2017/11/28 21:13:01
2017/11/28 21:14:41

Why.... Didn't ya win the election?

Darn, guess that makes you a loser.

Will you be changing your handle to LOSER1? [snicker]
2017/11/28 21:26:38

I got a big house on the big side of town. I spend more in a long weekend then you make all month on social security. I work like 40 hours a month, take 5 vacations a year and fish about 250 days. I got a great wife, happy life and beautiful kids. Tomorrow when you'll wake up, I'll be me and you'll still be #sad

I > u.

By the way, I always keep my eyes open for that Fish hawk. I BELIEVE it's light blue but maybe I'm wrong. Would love to tell you in person how big of an azzhar you truly are.


Just received this PM fellas should I be concerned? I did correct the color, the Fish Hawk is green.
2017/11/28 21:30:41
No threat and I meant everything I said.

2017/11/28 21:35:43
Followed by this PM........

2 minutes agopensfan1
I was close on color. Can't wait.


Yinz be the judge....... [snicker]
2017/11/29 04:28:12
Walleye jigs
Russian interfering again!
2017/11/29 08:38:52
pensfan appears to be the Ahole, and not near the happy person he claims to be.

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