2017/11/20 22:06:11
Yeah I know, I mizpelt bear, ain't it a hoot.
I know yinz ain't gonna believe this ssssstuff, but I just checked the PGC sight for bear kills and found the sight to be pretty cool.   Unless I'm wrong, which wouldn't be surprising, the tally is being kept in near real time.
Big bruiser of a bear killed in Venango County weighing in at 700 pounds according to the sight and I am assuming, which is never good, that the kill was during this gun season.  Hope the following link takes yinz there.
2017/11/20 22:17:59
Yes sirreeeeeee it's a fact 700 pound bruin killed in Oil Creek Twp.  Saw several 600 + bruisers listed also.
2017/11/21 09:07:21
Pa. boost some of the biggest size black bear hunting around the country , I guess those stats prove the point. 
2017/11/21 09:55:43
Shot in Oil Creek Twp, Ain't that the home of the infamous trout stream "Oil Creek"?

Wonder if there's been a substantial lack of trout in that area the past few years? Hell, the size of that bear, wouldn't surprise me to hear, it was 'smoking' a few of them trout.

OK, so another BTDT bad joke, stupid cabin fever.

Anyways, unless the report changed since last reading, three 700 pounders were taken in Penn's Woods last season.

Man that's a lot-O-bare burger.
2017/11/22 10:13:52
There's a bear on my street in Fombell.  BTDT you can hunt from the ZelieSam back porch "blind" for a small fee... 
2017/11/22 11:13:38
Thanks Sam that's sporting of you.   I can bearly, turn down an offer like that.     I know, I know........ that was baaad and sometimes even I, can bearly stand myself.   I'm afraid if I did show up, you couldn't bear to have me around for long but please bear in mind, I do appreciate the offer to hunt bare from your back porch.   ummmm....... wait.  What?  Stupid cabin fever!!!!  
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours Sam, from me and mine.
2017/11/22 14:18:09
I think I am calling a penalty on BTDT for is "overbearing" use of bear puns.
Fifteen yard penalty, repeat first down.
2017/11/22 14:40:16
Walleye jigs
I hunted bare for 9 years in Elk county but old age and shrinkage started to take it's toll. Thank God I never saw a bear during the season! Always before and after.
2017/11/22 16:34:14
Never shot a bear. Grandfather got one when I was a kid. We hunted "Helen's Furnace" area in Clarion County, he has a cabin there. Got my first turkey there, a few deer, and many crow on Sundays as a bored teenager with nothing better to do while everyone was drinking and playing cards. We went up every year for bear season and I was always pretty happy I didn't run into any during bear season. Would of been a **** dragging a 400lb+ bear out of one of those valleys. 
2017/11/22 16:48:18
I think I am calling a penalty on BTDT for is "overbearing" use of bear puns.
Fifteen yard penalty, repeat first down.

Good one Roy but I gotta throw out the red flag on that call,  I think the officials should review the bare facts....... ay yi yiii that one, was bad. 

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