2016/12/08 13:06:32
Pike need weeds to spawn.  I think most those lakes mentioned are sprayed for weed control which is probably why there are only small populations left.  I dont know that they were ever stocked in Pymatining.  I could be wrong...
A local PA lake I fish has both pike and musky and the fishing is great for all species of fish.  They will not eat every other species out of the lake. They primarily follow large pods of whatever baitfish a certain lake has.
2016/12/08 13:50:34
Conneaut Lake has a good population of both too
2016/12/08 17:09:13
Yea some lakes have both, maybe one out populates the other. Shenango has both also, but Pike numbers are higher then Musky. Hardly any weeds in Shenango, while Pymy is loaded with weed cover.
Just an odd thing that Pike are nonexistent in Pymy while all lake around it have Pike or both.
Shenango Pike in hand.
2016/12/08 19:51:03
the game commission web site is a mess now also, why can't they just leave things alone that are working , they probably paid some outside agency to redevelope the web page that was fine to most people, instead of spending the money thet don't have on something that needed fixed.
2016/12/08 20:13:45
I've fished the Allegheny River for 55 years and I've never caught a pike, though both my boys have. I've only ever caught one musky, though I don't target them either. The boys have caught quite a few. I think northerns and muskies co-exist ok in most waters, and even though they're both voracious feeders, a late In-Fisherman survey/study shows that Musky don't hurt the walleye population at all, but anybody who has ever fished Canada has had a big Pike grab their caught walleye. They aren't called the Water Wolf for nothin'. As for table fare, at Island 10 on Lady Evelyn lake in Canada, every week there's a fish fry, with 5 different species deep fried with Shore Lunch coating; the object being to guess which species you're eatin'. Pike, walleye, small mouth, whitefish, and sucker. Rarely does anyone get it right. To me, most all fish is good, 'cept I have no taste whatsoever for catfish. Lake Arthur has pike and musky, yet has walleye, small and largemouth bass, crappie, blue gills, and stripers. The more species, the better for me!
I'm still tryin' to figure out the new website.
2016/12/08 20:15:37
Well bubbaman both agencies have royally screwed up their responsibilities in field and water so why not fix something else that ain't broke?

I understand having difficulty in using and understanding a new system but that is not the problem with either sight.

Just like changes they have made in fishing and hunting, the web sight just doesn't work.

All at the cost to the PA Angler and Hunter.

But there's always tomorrow and maybe something will work.... for a while.

Sorry about the rant fellas..... cabin fever. Or brain freeze?
2016/12/08 22:04:09
So the new Pa.Game site is bad too, why does that not surprise me!
Your right John they have a way of complicating everything that should be simple!
For the first 20 years I hunted nothing ever changed.
Never had to read the game book, most rules or regulations were applied state wide. Simple !
Now ! You better read it, they change something every year just to confuse you.
4 on the side here , 3 on the side there, 3 up over there !  
Wear orange walking ,don't have to wear orange walking ! WTF
I guess if things stayed like the old days "simple and easy " these guys wouldn't have a job!
Seems like with all the changes made they eventually go back to the way it use to be !  lol 
What a joke !
2016/12/08 22:41:55
Never a problem finding what they think you want to see or what they want you to see.

But don't expect to find with ease subjects you desire.

Franklin I don't care about trout programs or John Arway's pet SOS project but you can find that info.

Likewise I could care less about mentored hunting or special youth pheasant stocking programs but try and figure out if you can hunt this on Sunday but not that on Sunday or you can shoot this on Friday, Sat, and Sunday but not on Mon Tues, Wed, or Thurs.

And don't even ask me what I think of the bogus Antler Restriction thingy.

Ya know, I think there might be something to that "getting things off your chest" thingy.

I seem to suddenly feel better.

Anyway, anybody using a android to type and access the internet. When I turn spell check on I can not use names like Arway cause the thing changes it to Array or type Mon. for Monday without the thing changing it to Monk. Don't even use words like ain't cause it ain't gonna let ya do it.

Stupid spellcheck.

Hey..... you know, I'm feeling even better.

Than again; maybe there's truth in " ya can't teach a old dog new tricks"...... uhh, no offense Old Dog.
2016/12/12 00:27:49
 It's not "getting things of your chest" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ty1-cMFYMDk

2016/12/13 15:59:25
  C.Hook, I have wondered why Pike are not present in Pymy. As easily as most fish hitch hikers get around it seems strange. I also eat Pike and consider it one of my favorite on the table. That said, I have only eaten them in winter as my old neighbor told my they taste muddy out of the warm summer water. I eat them year round in Canada. I fish Georgian Bay of Huron and they are much more muscular compared to the Pike I catch in Pa.
  PSU fish, A biologist in Canada once told me that all predator fish love to eat young Pike. I do not know why young Musky would be any different, however I neglected to ask him. On that note I bought an imitation 9" pike bait to fish with in Canada and I am looking forward to using it. I have caught many Pike up to 10 lbs. with obvious tooth-grab marks and once saw a Musky intent on eating a 24 " or better Pike in P. I.

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