2016/12/06 21:15:51
Maybe it's me, but the newer Pa. Fish Commission website is like complicated to browse around for certain info. Too much time searching and clicking windows open and shut.
I tried for 10 minutes to browse and read biologist reports for our local area lakes and I just gave up!
Couldn't find Pa. yearly catch records either. The old site was simple stuff to me.
Anybody else think the same , yes , no, maybe ?
2016/12/06 21:28:27
Typical goverment run websight Brock. They fail to see the good in the age old adage "Keep It Simple Stupid". They just get the "stupid" part.

PS. I agree.
2016/12/06 22:41:20
YES  sam
2016/12/07 06:19:14
Big Tuna
Yes,New and improved.lol As to old and simple.
2016/12/07 08:00:32
A waste of money. If it ain't broke, don't fix it !!!
2016/12/07 08:35:29
I hate the new website. I sent a email to PFBC, and I got a response back within the same day. The reason for updating is b/c their research has shown a majority of website "hits" came from mobile devices and tablets. As far as the broken links and missing pages, PFBC said it was cause of the migration to new servers, and Google in the coming weeks will be cleaning out bad links. So time will tell
2016/12/07 09:30:00
I love it.  I think it's easier to navigate and much cleaner looking.  Most of the changes reflect instant access to the most  commonly used links/info I'd imagine.  I don't dig into much on there, other than to look at region reports, check regs from time to time and trout stocking schedules.  
2016/12/07 10:56:55
Yea the old website was better.
2016/12/07 11:07:22
Walleye jigs
Now they can easily drop a cookie on your backside and watch where you go! Careful what you type Big Brother is watching!😀😁😂😥
2016/12/07 11:27:24
I got a response today from them and they helped me figure some of it out. I like looking at year to year award catches of biggest fish in Pa.
Just seemed easier navigation on the old site this one requires more windows to find and open. 

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