2015/12/11 17:20:36
Clint S
Went out today and it was SLOW only saw a few fish hooked and to the net. I had 2 takes in 4 hours. I got one by the tail and the hook out and he flopped away so no pic. The other was a female bruiser that ran me almost to  the backing and the snapped me off.  Hot fly was size 12 little greenies that I tied for the swap.  
2015/12/11 18:22:05
Glad hear you had some luck. Weather has been great around here. I'm still laid up but drove around locally checking out the batten kill and standing on bridges wishing I could be fishing.
2015/12/11 18:48:53
hot tuna
Hey your fishing, I'm wishin ' . Good job Clint .
Do you use a indicator at all ?
I'm done in the woods , defeated. 1 deer take from the property, that's pizz poor IMO.
With no ice in sight I may take the kayak out if not windy this weekend on the perch grounds .
2015/12/11 19:04:51
Clint S
I did use a thingamabobber for a bit today.  I try to keep some in my pocket. I think sometimes it changes the presentation up a bit.
2015/12/11 19:13:37
hot tuna
I think they offer a better presentation for certain type of water and in some places think it's necessary at times . Cool man !!
2015/12/13 18:16:45
Clint S
Well today I started the day filling my fly box because it WA pretty much barren from lack of tying. I was able get about a dozen and a half done in a few hours so at least I had my go to flies back in the box. I fished from around 1:30 till 4:30. I was able o get 3 on and one to the net. The other 2 after a fair fight broke off at the fly. I will admit with one it was operator error  as I was by myself it is difficult to try and net and hold the pole. The pole got straight and with no give the fish went bye bye.  I switched from Drennon to the new Seaguar trout and salmon leader to try it out as you get twice the product for a bit less $$. I used 8# as it was the same diameter as Drennon 6# which I usually use.  It has been fair. It is a bit less abrasion resistant and knot strength seems to be a little less, but so far it has been ok.
My phone is acting up so I will get a pic up later. This was a nice fish with real rosy cheeks and good color.  10 plus # and a nice one.  It was the only fish that was landed other than a 16 inch brown that I saw in my time there.
2015/12/13 19:42:46
Clint S

Picture does not do it justice.
p.s.  My waders leak at the **** area..............
2015/12/13 20:38:29
Good to see your having some luck. Reports have been looking pretty bad.
2015/12/14 10:44:11
Way to go Clint,that's a nice fissssshhhhh!

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