2015/12/08 21:58:13
Clint S
Clint, I was using size 10 stone flies and size 10 white globugs and sucker spawn....No 1/0 hooks were used....All the snaggers were on the south side of the river, on the far eastern end...There was a whole lotta snaggin going on in that little corner.

Dude I heard you yelling across the river every time you hooked up about what you were using.  Sure you ''hooked up '' alot, but so does a $10 prostitute on 2 for 1 day.  It's just as easy or easier to foul with a small hook.  I saw a fair amount of the fish you hooked and they screamed across the river and down the rapids. Tough to control foul hooked fish.  2 swam right in front me one hooked in the dorsal and one in the azz. They were close enough for me to touch with my rod.  I will break the mold and say I did see a few the looked fair hooked. So it seemed to me you had more bad hooks than good from what I saw, but hey I did not take the hooks out.  There was a fair amount of sweeping and lifting too, but who am I to judge.  I even think I fouled a few that day, but hey I don't go yelling across the river about what I am using especially when the fish are fouled. I especially don't go around saying I had a good day when most my fish are foul hooked. You dug yourself a hole here and I don't think you can dig out man.  This is just my honest opinion and that's all, no BS.
2015/12/09 06:54:25
Clint S
I made these observations BEFORE I EVEN KNEW IT WAS YOU so please do not think I am just out to get you or making things up. This was taken from a previous post
It seems like every time I go I complain about something or observe something not quite right. Well today îs  no different. Are folks so stupid and ignorant they do not know a fish I foul hooked????????? Had a guy across from me hooking up left and right. He was the know all type, lecturing to those across the river on which fly was '' working''  of course they were eating it up an switching flys at his command. Almost every fish was fouled. It's pretty easy to get hook ups when every fish leaves the rap**** and sits in front of you. CAST SWEEP LIFT. That's it. Pretty easy to tell when the tail end is facing up stream and that is the direction the fish is moving too. They move sideways through the water too.  Different folks same stuff. People above me, they would be chasing a fish and I would tell them ''  it's hooked in the dorsal, you ain't gonna turn it around in the fast water.''   I would get excuses like '' It was a good hook up there, the line wrapped around it'' or ''that's not my hook in it's ****'' I would just laugh and wait for the line to snap or for them to get wet. It was a humorous morning.  I basically had a real nice stretch to myself so to each their own.
I left and hit a few other spots from mid river up to the ball park and saw and had no luck.
2015/12/09 07:38:39
Don't feed the troll
2015/12/09 07:48:55
Big Bear would you really beat me up if Linescreamer told you to?
2015/12/09 08:12:17
Linescreamer can fight his own battles....especially those including p1zz3d off husbands, boy friends, girl friends and various other people he and his mini me (tim) get on the wrong side of.
Besides, I have never beat anyone up....in NY.
2015/12/09 19:19:10
Clint, I hooked up a lot that day...Were some foul hooked, sure, but I broke them off...The guys on the south side wanted to fight them azz backward.....When guys told me they were foul, I broke off...
2015/12/12 12:36:14
Don't recall ever reading such poor reports of fish movement- even DSR reports are lousy.
There is real trouble up there IMHO.
2015/12/12 21:00:07
Pulled this Stonefly off of an azzhooked smolt. Charty was that yours ??? Looks more like 3/0 than a 1/0.. ;)

2015/12/12 21:17:42
hot tuna
Got nothing to say but the lake told me so about the tribs
Fishing was spectacular today locally, perch , gills , crappie and smb . All released for another day , frying pan not quite ready yet ..
Incredible sunset and nobody but Lukas around to feed my head .
Enjoy the time outdoors, I'm actually liking this no ice thing :)

Ps. Stick those sketchy flies up some Azz, as long as it's not in my crappie;(

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