2014/08/15 12:06:03
trout man
Hello All
Heading up to New York this fall chasing salmon and browns. Thought I'd waist some time on the water swinging Niti 1 lures and Phoebe spoons and maybe even a little Cleo. Now the rub. As per New York laws, I need to take the treble hooks off the lures and replace them with single hooks. The Niti's and Phoebes are small, 2 inches.  These are the hooks I have at my disposal. Gamakatsu B10 s size 2. Daiichi 1750 size 6. Tmc 9395 sizes 6 and 8. The B10s seems a bit large. I don't think the others will alter the lures action. What do you think? Any other suggestions? Thanks for your help.
Tight Lines
Trout Man
2014/09/04 21:53:30
Troutman, When I used to fish the erie shoreline for steelies I replaced the trebles with single hooks & diidn't notice many missed strikes. I think it was a big help in avoiding snags in the shallow water at the mouths.  sam

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