2007/05/08 21:12:02
Couple more images from the outing

2007/05/08 22:05:56
Since a lot of you guys seemed to enjoy the day down on Oil Creek, it got me thinking.  The surface activity will only get better in the coming month.  If any of you guys would like to meet up for some more action down there, we could have a little informal get together.  I'm sure Dano would love to fish with you guys again as well.  How's about it?
2007/05/08 22:50:55
egg sac


Since a lot of you guys seemed to enjoy the day down on Oil Creek, it got me thinking.  The surface activity will only get better in the coming month.  If any of you guys would like to meet up for some more action down there, we could have a little informal get together.  I'm sure Dano would love to fish with you guys again as well.  How's about it?

admit it your just trying to sucker us into bring more food....lol
2007/05/08 23:22:53
Sounds good to me, Loopy!  Why not make it a formal or planned meeting, with a pinic/lunchbreak some Sunday (my only day off) in the next few weeks.  (Sunday June 3rd? or 10th?)   I like the idea of having everybody pitch in for the picnic.  Remember food is energy!  I can't fish all day on an empty stomach, LOL!...or we could do it informally.  Either way is cool with me.
I talked to a few guys on Sunday about having a perch fishing outing, on the Edward John, this summer.  We decided that the first or second Sunday in August would be a good time to fish, though the month of September might be better.  I will start a thread on the Fish Erie board in a few weeks.
2007/05/09 08:47:10
Always up to an adventure. Will need to get more dries though.
2007/05/09 10:09:29
     Any chance of getting one of those hats shipped down here to KY?  Sure would like one to help me remember how much fun I missed.
2007/05/09 13:43:22
Hey All!
I "ditto" everything that has been said.........great fun, great food, and great company!
It was a blessing to meet so many new people and share the bounty..............
Special thanks to Mary and Eggsac for the hats and the cooking, thank you!
This was really one of the better times and will be remembered, thanks to all.
2007/05/10 21:13:22
Got my flies , lets go!
2018/03/04 11:12:01
2018/03/04 13:53:38
I like that idea John.....

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