2007/05/07 15:32:16
T.T., like I said before we left, you one funny guy. Jack, I actually never got a chance to see the rod. I was anxious to get back in the water. (literally)Splash! They should have called that slippery rock. I will have spiked shoes next time. 15 of us trying to guess a # between 1-100 sure took us a while. I was busy cooking those poppers and could not remember what # was said! All in all Jack, you better stay healthy for the fall one!
2007/05/07 15:40:06
sorry Dave ,I got confused. It works great, tried it on the way home, thanks. John
2007/05/07 17:28:53
Beautifully rod and yes it will be fished. My only problem with winning it was the scolding I received when I got home LATE. I had to leave early because of plans.
I lawn casted yesterday and it casts real nice. Going out after this post to practice with it in my back yard. I hope to fish it Sunday. Thank you so much for your hard work. I've been thinking grass restoration for the past few months after seeing the rod at Last months Steelhead Association meeting(Dave brought it in to show off).
I did not catch a fish yesterday:p, only fished for @ hour :(. The smell of food won out.
Nice catching up with old friends,telling stories, and getting to enjoy the nice day fishing and eating with old and new. We should have these things more often.
2007/05/07 18:51:30
What rod?  Never saw it or heard talk about it. 
I guess I was too busy eating, BS-ing or fishing.
2007/05/07 19:04:21
Gregg, you were fishing, it was after we ate. I was there and didn,t see the rod neither. Busy cooking the rest of the poppers.
2007/05/07 19:29:30

Just a few more pixs.
2007/05/07 20:35:28

Bug, Pappy & Indsguiz, Wish you guys could have been there. Hopefully, next year.
Egg Sac and Mary, Hats off to both of you.
Elephnthead, It does works. Thanks.
Indsguiz , A big thanks goes out to Indsguiz for donating the prize of the day, an 8 ½ ft. bamboo rod that he re-did.
Excellent work there, Jack. The plan was for nobody to win it and I take it home by default.
Chris won it and we lined it up with a 5wt. line and ready to fish, but he had to head home.
I don’t know who ate better that day, the fish or us guys. What a spread.
And, it was absolutely the best fishing day we ever had for our yearly May outing.
Lots of fish, lots of bugs.
What a pleasure to fish-n-chat with y’all.
2007/05/07 20:40:22
    The one Dave had was the one for the fall One Fly!  The one you have was made just for the Oil City Gathering.   I would guess it as a heavy 4 - light 5 wt rod.  Should be perfect for smaller waters.  Just never can cast a bamboo rod as far as graphite.  They tend to be much slower.  Just post a picture of the rod and the first fish you catch with it.  A light coat of furniture polish will help disperse the water.   W/D-40 works great on the ferrules.  Good luck.
2007/05/07 20:55:07
ORIGINAL: beerman

So.....did the late day hatch ever happen on the top water?  We left at 5:00, anybody get any on dries after that?

Greg, the grannoms hit the water in massive waves later that evening.
More fish rising upstream than down.

In this pic, all those tiny light spots around him are grannom caddis. We had to de-bug TT after he came out of the creek.

Sorry you missed the drawing. My falut.
2007/05/07 21:08:31
Will do, Jack.

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