2014/12/01 23:08:12
Hello gentlemen, 
I am just starting to get into steelhead fishing and was wondering if you guys could shed some light on some questions regarding the rod/reel/line I should be using for float fishing.  I have done a little research online and decided to purchase an Okuma T-40X 96ML2 spinning rod.  Its rated for 4-10 lb test and 1/8 to 3/8 oz lures.  I purchased this because of the price and based on the input of a friend of mine.  However, as I have done more research, I feel that this rod may be a little too light of an action for what I am trying to do (Its still in the originally packaging so I may return it and get something heavier).  Am I correct in this assumption?  As far as reels go.. since i'm not bass fishing I have some options to choose from.  I'm debating on using my 3000FL symetre or a 2500 Okuma stratus.  I had originally planned to use hi-vis braid in 15 lb test but may have to settle for 20 lb unless I buy another spool.  I did plan on using a leader with either setup.  Do you guys use braided line for float fishing?  If so what lb test would you recommend?  How much line should I try and fit on the spool?  Thanks again for your insight.  I appreciate any and all advice!  
2014/12/02 10:40:42
By float fishing and the gear you mentioned I'm assuming your talking about using spinning gear with a float.  There are so many rods out there that will work.  For one season I used a 12 foot Gander Mt. crappie rod with a centerpin reel.  The rod was a little light but it did just fine.  It was what I had and I wanted to use it till I could better decide what I wanted.
As far as line I use braided line on every steel head spinning outfit I have.  It may not be perfect but I like it.  I prefer 10 to 12 pound test with about 4 foot of 10 pound leader material joined to the braid with a uni knot.  At the end of the leader I use the smallest swivel I can find.  To that I tie several feet of flouro leader.   I also prefer the hi-vis braids but they all seem to fade to white eventually.  In 12 years I have had the braid break once and that was my fault as I got the forceps tangled in the line while trying to unhook a fish under the route 5 railroad tubes.
I only use about 75 yards of braid which is over top of enough old line so the spool is filled.
The only time I switch to a spool of mono on the reel is below freezing temps.  You do not want to be fishing with most braids when the line is freezing.  Been there done that.  No more.
I also currently am using one of the shimano 2500 size reels and have no complaints.
2014/12/02 13:18:12
in the creeks i'm strictly a fly guy.  but I like throwing lures out in the lake at the beginning of the season and I use my 7 ft Eyecon spinning rod and that's in a medium-light power, fast action paired with a Trio 20 reel.  works fine.  I think you'll find alot of guys like the medium-light rod over a heavier rod.  As a beginner you're probably worried if your rod has enough back bone.  it does.   you just have to use a bit more finesse and play instead of horsing them in with a heavier rod.
2014/12/02 13:49:40
  As a beginner you're probably worried if your rod has enough back bone.  it does.   you just have to use a bit more finesse and play instead of horsing them in with a heavier rod.

Several years ago I watched a fellow hook and land a steel head that was about 24 inches or so using a 5 foot ultra light rod.  Said he used it all the time.  I have no desire to try that but honestly about any rod will work.  Your reels drag is much more important then the rod.
The one thing about a heavier rod set up is in crowded conditions you can get the fish to hand and unhooked which will make your fishing neighbors happy.  Everyone likes to fight the fish but it crowded conditions it can upset some who are tightly wrapped if you tie the spot up to long.
2014/12/02 16:22:07
Thanks for your help guys.  I just pulled out an older Mitchell 300e reel.  It was like 50 bucks and I haven't been using it because quite honestly I think its garbage compared to my shimanos.  I rigged it up with 20 lb power pro in green since I just bought a 1500 yard spool and don't really want to buy the hi-vis right now.  I'm sure this will work fine to start.  I'll bring my symetre along too incase the drag gets burned out.  I just wanted to make sure that I had at least 150 yards of power pro on the reel.  Thanks again for all of your insight.  Looking forward to hooking into my first fish.  
I also have a 7ft avid that I'll bring along for heavier spinners and lures.  I think mine is in the medium action though so it is a little stiffer at the tip than the ML. Gotta love the avid's though.  Awesome rods.  
2014/12/02 16:49:33
Im my honest opinion 20 lb is a little heavy.. you will find most guys use 6-8lb line with a length of leader varying for the water conditions.. i just cant see 20 lb having good manners for steelhead (casting smoothness, low visibility, and bite sensitivity)
2014/12/02 19:29:06
I'm talking about 20 lb power pro which has a mono equivalent of 6lb test.  I would use a flurocarbon leader as well.  
2014/12/02 20:56:21
Oh gotcha..never messed around with power pro..but if your not a big fan of fluorocarbon i recommend maxima ultragreen. Anyways best of luck to you and that 9'6 medium light rod will be enough for you. I have a medium 8'6 that i like to use in crowded /smaller holes so i am able to control the fish a little better i also have a 10'6 okuma rod both being set up with pfleuger president reels which i also highly recommend they are the 35 models. Also a lot of guys like braided line because it floats and it is easier and smoother to mend the line. I have fireline on my okuma 10'6 and 8 lb P- Line on my 8'6 both i use either 6, 5, or 4 lb leader material mostly 5 lb ultra green
2014/12/04 06:48:14
MrM, when I was growing up those Mitchell 300s and the 308s were the reels to have.  Loved 'em.
2014/12/04 08:53:04
Got a Mitchell 300 for a birthday present back in 1960 and I mean to tell you I was the envy of the club.  Made in France and was the reel of it's time for a spinning reel.  Coupled to a 6 1/2' fiberglass rod and you could fish for trout to musky.  Needless to say, all good things come to an end but, the memories of good times live on.
Today, like golfers with their clubs and balls, so goes forth the angler with his array of rods, reels, lines and lures.
Shimano Curado coupled to a Croix is my go to gear of today

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