By float fishing and the gear you mentioned I'm assuming your talking about using spinning gear with a float. There are so many rods out there that will work. For one season I used a 12 foot Gander Mt. crappie rod with a centerpin reel. The rod was a little light but it did just fine. It was what I had and I wanted to use it till I could better decide what I wanted.
As far as line I use braided line on every steel head spinning outfit I have. It may not be perfect but I like it. I prefer 10 to 12 pound test with about 4 foot of 10 pound leader material joined to the braid with a uni knot. At the end of the leader I use the smallest swivel I can find. To that I tie several feet of flouro leader. I also prefer the hi-vis braids but they all seem to fade to white eventually. In 12 years I have had the braid break once and that was my fault as I got the forceps tangled in the line while trying to unhook a fish under the route 5 railroad tubes.
I only use about 75 yards of braid which is over top of enough old line so the spool is filled.
The only time I switch to a spool of mono on the reel is below freezing temps. You do not want to be fishing with most braids when the line is freezing. Been there done that. No more.
I also currently am using one of the shimano 2500 size reels and have no complaints.