2015/07/27 10:24:42
Thanks Roygpa, that many boats says something is or, about to heat up.  
Speaking of heating up, if the water gets much warmer, we should be catching poached fish........  ready to serve.
Good fishin' to ya.
2015/07/27 11:02:06
Thanks for the reports guys. Been pretty busy at work so I haven't gotten out much lately. Hoping to make a trip or 2 this week in the afternoon. Gonna be friggin HOT though. Will report back if I do any good.

Rap, spot on comment about the lake. No matter how bad of a day I've had, when I hit pymy the problems just melt away and the world slows down. Especially during the week when boat traffic is low :)

Good luck to all
2015/07/27 11:11:19
I will be heading up wed or thurs.  I did not go last week because I thought the bite would be over!  I guess I was wrong.  never did well on eyes this time of year.  the guys catching them tell me you gotta really pick up the speed.  gona try 3 to 4.  roygpa...just curious..were you trolling fast and following the blue shirts?
2015/07/27 11:36:23
I think my temp gauge on the sonar was reading a 75 degrees F surface temp on Saturday, though I didn't pay it much attention. When the one walleye we did catch was hooked, I handed the rod to my 11 year old nephew, and it was his biggest fish of his life and his first walleye. It was also his first time fishing from a boat. I let him drive for a bit towards the end of the day. The spring on the throttle in the tiller is a bit stiff for his small Arm, so he was driving a bit like a drunken sailor, smiling the whole time. I think I have him hooked!
marco  i was trolling between 2.5 and 3, but didn't really give it the effort that I should have. i was trying to make sure my nephew had a good time. The guy with 7 fish on Saturday was Amish, and told my buddy that he had to work hard for the fish. To me that means he got up and was fishing by 5:00 AM.
2015/07/27 11:41:38
lol..I did that 2 weeks ago w my nephew!  its great watching them have fun. the amish do work for them ..I will give credit where due!  I will let you know how I end up!  thks for info!
2015/07/28 16:34:58
@BTDT, We're goin' up this weekend...just gonna put some salt and pepper in our net and have 'em on the spot.
2015/07/28 20:22:42
Salt and pepper, good....... garlic, bad!

Good luck...... save a few for me. Poached perch is good! Pickled carp is............. not for me.
2015/07/29 13:39:47
Guess the fishing is a little slow ... if we are discussing pickled carp .... lol ... But what do I know I'm home doing honey do things!! 😜
2015/07/29 13:55:56
will be on lake at 5am tom.  last shot!  got a feeling I am wasting my time but I do love chasing eyes and it beats work!
2015/07/29 21:47:01
Go get em Marco...... think positive!

Think how lucky ya are.

Think about us other guz staying home doing stupid honey do's! (LOL)

Good luck and take pictures.

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