No fishing for me today, stupid weather dude said 7 to 8 MPH wind for today that turned out to be, high speed sail boat fuel.
I guess it was a good thing in the long run as I was able to get my Christmas shopping started for my wife. Drove 15 miles, one way, through 1:00 pm rush hour traffic to a particular store only to find out they were sold out of the item I was after. Christmas time and the store is out of stock of what I wanted to buy......... what's up with that?
Well, spent the better part of the day traveling 10 minutes to another store, well actually a mall, where I met some of the nicest sales people who were more than willing to sell me everything I didn't want. To boot, they had plenty of the items in stock too.
Was successful with finding a few items, I got some things the wife didn't want to buy earlier this year and I think, she will be really surprised to see them Christmas morning.
Lesson learned, next year, I shop only stores where they gift wrap.
Made it home, safe and sound, after driving 15 miles fighting the 2:00 pm rush hour traffic.
From Me And Mine, To You And Yours