2015/11/20 22:12:49
Big Tuna
Nice fish Marco. I'm ready for anything now. Just put a Rage in the cage on my best Ohio buck a big 12 pt tonight. I don't know how to post pics I might need your help.
2015/11/21 08:14:22
Big Tuna ......go to Photo Bucket register....click on upload.....click on choose photos....pick your photo from your computer folder.....double click on photo to load it into your bucket......wait until photo is uploaded.......click on photo when it is completed ....click on direct box....should say copied.....go back to Erie forums click on the little computer screen... Image URL screen comes up.....right click on screen.....hit paste then hit insert....photo should appear !  

By hitting enter key near the end it will move your photo down the screen a bit, repeat process to load as many as you want. Hope this helps.

2015/11/21 08:55:19
I don't know...... seems like when your wife goes along she catches fish ! When you go with your buddies you get skunked  ???? I'm seeing a pattern here ............LOL

captain...funny you said that..i was having a banner year till I met btdt and registered...then my luck went south!...go back to my wife and it turns on again!...anybody else have this problem...walcat?

marco, you finally figured out that HE'S A LOSER!!!!!!! What the h#ll took you so long?????? I haven't met him face to face yet and I can tell!!!!!!! Can't see, blind as a bat. Can't sit in a tree stand right, first he's on one side then on the other. Must be making so much noise he's spooked every deer for a mile!!!! Blames it on the wind!!! Always got an excuse, never just his fault!! Just by her talk I feel so sorry for his wife! It sounds like she has no hope left!!!!! On and on!!! Sure glad my wife is a walleye catching machine. She could teach him a lot about walleye fishing but even the good woman she is, she won't waste her time on him either!

You guys don't like me anymore...............  I want my mommy!!!!! 

Call me a "LOSER" Walcat, well I'll just have you know, I certainly represent that remark!  So there!!!!
Registered......  you've seen how many people fish those same docks, right?   Well, do you notice there are "NO" other people fishing the docks in Marcos picture?    Probably a "Photoshop", Marcos is just trying to make us feel bad, I'll betcha.  "OR"....  or he shoved everybody into the water, what-do-ya-think?  Big bully anyhow!
Last but certainly not least, Captain,  just when your best ever photo op occurs.........  may your camera batteries fail !
Seriously though Marcos, congratulations to you and your wife and your secrete is safe with me, did you push the other anglers into the water?
2015/11/21 09:05:17
lmao...only 2 other guys besides my wife..it was cool.  big tuna..congrats on deer.wanna see pics for sure...get in touch w me....maybe tues afternoon we could run up!...
2015/11/21 09:32:30
Keep an eye on him Big Tuna; rumor has it he is the "swimming pool bully", likes to push people in the water than splash water in your eyes.
Just kidding of course......................................  not! 
Some info about posting pix on the other thread BT, good luck.
2015/11/21 12:43:58
Your probably drinking that homemade Pennsyltucky hooch ya brew in your run down dilapidated chicken coop.  I hope ya cut it too much with formaldehyde and ya come down with a weeks worth of  Hersey squirts. 
Tell everybody I'm a loser..............  ya was suppose to keep that a secrete!
I see how ya are!
Have a nice day.
Your friend and mine,
2015/11/21 17:30:08
Fishing pal's  !

2015/11/21 20:05:55
I'll have ya know MR. WALCAT.............  I just "dropped a dime" on you!!
I just got off the phone with Santa Clause.
2015/11/21 22:24:56
That there is funny, I don't care who ya are!!!!!   The song, not you Walcat.
2015/11/23 13:53:54
that video is hilarious!!!    gion up tom...last day..lol...I think I have said that 4 times now!

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