2015/11/16 20:44:47
nice pics captain!...you should start a guide service!!!...walcat hope yr feeling better!...here is my report from pymy.  gotta get it in before btdt...he is way funnier than me.  well..it was a beautiful day!  that's it..got to pymy at 1130...fished 3 mins..caught a nice perch...2 mins later caught another one...then NOTHING the rest of the day.  but..it was one of those days that makes you grateful to be alive...warm..sun...btdt..registered..and another gentleman ......forgot his name fished well in to the dark.  4 boats out there w lights on a flat calm warm lake in November!  if you were watchin from shore you would be saying..those guys must be catching fish cause they are all in the same place doing the same thing..we were..just bullshi....!  we heard they are pulling docks at Jamestown tom so probably gonna do boat in and try to kill some coyotes.  walcat..will will catch you in the spring..btdt and regeristered..it was an honor and a pleasure fighing w you.  we will do it again on the ice or in the spring..and maybe we will catch fish next time...ps..I will never post that the eyes are hitting at pymy again...if I do I am lying!
2015/11/16 21:15:02
The other guys name was Bill..........  ummmmm, LaFevier or some thing like that!  Said he had a brother, Dave I think, who catches the crap out of Walleye on Pymie.  Man, some of the stories Bill was telling us about getting into the 'eyes' when they are hitting.  Says they catch Walleye like some guys catch Crappie.
Had a great time and what a marvelous day, just beautiful!   Too bad they are pulling the docks tomorrow but, could still launch with some caution.  Weather ain't lookin so good after tomorrow though so, time to put Mr. Boat to beddy bye.  I hate that, it's so hard to get the thing into it's jammies.  Doesn't like the stupid bunny feet.
Yes Walcat,  I BTDT [a legend in my own mind] got skunked (again) and before you start may I say, in my own defense, !
2015/11/16 22:15:38
Ok, now here's what really happened, I hit the water just after 11:30 am getting to my special spot about two minutes latter [no spot burning, please] where I dropped a "buck tail" and a "sonar" into 28' FOW and immediate snagged both lures on the bottom!  I know.... I know, I was shocked too but, keeping my cool I was able to free the "Sonar"  however, I lost the "buck tail" .   Well losing a "buck tail" may not be a big deal to most of yinz but, it was the first one that I ever tied.......... that didn't lose all the hair as soon as it hit the water.
It was exciting and I did not want to leave the spot, my "Hummingbird" was chirping like a flock of birds at the bird feeder and showing fish stacked everywhere under the boat.  I mean everywhere, no matter where I turned, or which direction I traveled, according to the "Hummingbird" fish was everywhere!  Until, I snagged the bottom a second time and that's when I realized, I was jigging my "Sonar" directly under the transducer!
Well I lucked out a second time and freed my brand new never been used before "Sonar" and decided to relocate to another secrete spot which will remain a secrete because I caught as many fish there as I did at the first secrete spot.  Not wanting to waste any more time investigating my secrete spots I patiently awaited the arrival of 'registered' and 'Marcos' at which time I secretly watched and secretively plotted a course to their secrete spots.  Sorry, I can't divulge that information as those of you that know me, know I don't spot burn.... free of charge.
As always, the fishing was great even though the catching sucked but, that matters not as, I enjoyed the conversation (A/K/A, BS) with Marcos, registered and, a new found friend Bill who says I should meet his, I think, brother Dave for some pointers on Walleye fishing.
Golly, already, I can't wait till they put the docks back in.
PS.  Marcos, are you still buying the beer?
2015/11/17 07:19:51
Guys put the boat away.wife and I fished the docks at Jamestown and to be honest you will catch more there than in the lake .We got some nice crappies and a few perch and tons of gills although not the biggest. On veterans day couple fellows across from me had stringers full of some nice crappies.A walleye was caught also although not legal.Yesterday must ohave been 20 guys fishing docks.most had fish in baskets we did ok few perch a couple big crppies and bunch of gills. It still hurts to put the boat away
2015/11/17 12:04:24
ice nut..is that supposed to make us feel better?  lmao..was up there couple days ago and my buddy said look at all the people fishing off the docks...I said..they are not catching squat!..lol..the joke was on me...btdt and registered..i got a new secret spot it is hot!....ice nut..don't be surprised if you see me up there!...fishing the docks!
2015/11/17 17:25:39
Honest marco nobody spends more boat time on pymie than me 3 times week at least.And in truth we have done as well lately on the docks Hope to see you there Look for old guy white beard red tundra in lot wife always in tow b/c she always catches fish!!!!!
2015/11/17 18:39:33
nice pics captain!...you should start a guide service!!!...walcat hope yr feeling better!...here is my report from pymy.  gotta get it in before btdt...he is way funnier than me.  well..it was a beautiful day!  that's it..got to pymy at 1130...fished 3 mins..caught a nice perch...2 mins later caught another one...then NOTHING the rest of the day.  but..it was one of those days that makes you grateful to be alive...warm..sun...btdt..registered..and another gentleman ......forgot his name fished well in to the dark.  4 boats out there w lights on a flat calm warm lake in November!  if you were watchin from shore you would be saying..those guys must be catching fish cause they are all in the same place doing the same thing..we were..just bullshi....!  we heard they are pulling docks at Jamestown tom so probably gonna do boat in and try to kill some coyotes.  walcat..will will catch you in the spring..btdt and regeristered..it was an honor and a pleasure fighing w you.  we will do it again on the ice or in the spring..and maybe we will catch fish next time...ps..I will never post that the eyes are hitting at pymy again...if I do I am lying!

It was great getting to meet you and fishing with you, BTDT and Bill.
It was a good evening gathering , lots of laughs, good conversation.
A few walleye would only been icing.
We'll do it again.
2015/11/17 20:46:27
  ******* CORRECTION ************  CORRECTION  ******
Pulling the docks is only a rumor...........  Pulling the docks is only a rumor............. Pulling the docks is only a rumor
Somebody lied............  Somebody fibbed...............  Somebody is a bigger  than me!
WALCAT................ just never you mind!
2015/11/18 00:02:22
Well here's the picture now the story. No I didn't catch this beauty ! As we were fishing my son spotted this nice Striper floating and half swimming on top the water. Next thing we knew it was right in front of us just fanning on the surface. I grabbed it and lifted it up to check it out. Seen a few red marks on the body and noticed it's mouth was a little marked up too. I opened the mouth to check for hooks or anything in it's mouth and everything seemed good. Snapped a few photos and back in the water it went. It just continued to half swim away and appeared to be totally spent. Kept rolling on the surface upside down and floated down river last I'd seen. I have no idea why this fish was it such bad condition. Disease , age , lure stuck in mouth too long, came through sluices and got busted up ? Your guess is as good as ours. Hope it's not some disease that wipes these hybrids out . Seems like the big numbers up in the lake have dropped past few years hope this isn't why. Shame is , it was a good ten pound plus fish.

See BTDT I can catch fish barehanded what ya think Walcat ? No rod or reel !    LOL....
2015/11/18 00:27:26
Yow!  That thing is a beast!  But he isn't sick... he's swimming downstream to Arthur for me to catch in the spring.  
Proves one thing at least... spend enough time on the water, you see some awesome stuff.  Thx for sharing.

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