2015/11/11 21:01:19
Plan B.......I'm thinking about hooking a big cast net on that red crane next trip ! One or two dips and I should have my limit !

2015/11/11 21:23:32
They are repairing the road atop the dam and maybe the bridge and what ever else. Has been closed.... I think it's down June to June of 2016   
2015/11/12 07:01:08
my advice..sleep in... got up at 350 am..ask my wife..i sent her a text..was on lake at 530 heading towards dam..to be honest..i could not see a thing..it was black as coal...my partner said he could see....just drove while we screamed at each other...fished till 2..11 great craps and 1 sub eye...threw some perch and gills back..230 at dock...an old timer...not like me..is putting in..we talked..he said his bud limited out on eyes last night and caught 20 nice craps..sorry registered...he said sleep in in the fall the bite starts at nite..I am so confused I could took take the bridge..going back Monday evening...I believe everything everyone tells me!

HELOOoooooooooo Captain and Walcat......
Thanks Marco...........  umm hopefully, the old boy said you were using the right kind of lure...... yes?  Congrats on the crappie!
2015/11/12 09:06:49
Walcat keep this to yourself....this is why the crane is there !!! Hope BTDT don't get mad at me !

2015/11/12 10:06:48
OMG..............  Captain that is a hoot!!!   
2015/11/12 10:13:07
HAHAHAHAHA....  That's funny stuff captain. Needed a smile for the day.
2015/11/12 12:31:18
Glad you guys enjoyed that ! Just having fun since I can't catch any fish lately.  Better days a coming.....I hope 
2015/11/12 13:15:20
Planning on being at Pymie Mon. and hoping to get there real early in the PM.  Ok..... ok, I'll try, aaa  um, aaa uh, aaa sorrrrrry, can't say it!
2015/11/13 09:43:27
You silly goose................ [giggle] I'll never get out of bed with that slapping me!
But, ole buddy, I would definitely try to hurt myself............  definitely being spelled with a capital, Definitely!
Ummm..............  could I have two () just in case, I break one?
AWWWW heck, with friends like you guys, who needs enemies?   
PS. When does it arrive?
PSS. And none of this "Don't open til X-mas" malarky either!
2015/11/13 09:46:21
One thing for sure you guys are intertaining ..... Lol. Wife thinks I'm going crazy as I sit drinking my morning coffee , looking at my phone and LMAO reading this stuff. When the weather bums me out all I have to do is pick up my phone and I'm laughing again..... THANKS GUYS !!

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