2015/11/05 22:40:09
OH BOY are you in BIG trouble.  Sucks to be you..............10-4!!!!!
Your asking me for advice on catching fish at Pymie?  I'm thinkin it was you that got me started with your advice.  You ain't blaming me for not catching... NO WAY!
First, I spent too much time going from Jamestown to the causeway via boat.  That time could have better been spent fishing Snod Grass-Jamestown area in and around the sunken islands.  I was hoping, the SSW wind the past two days would be stacking the bait fish against the wall and the walleye would be feeding.  They may well have but, not while we were there.
Rob and I, each using different baits, started with tossing jigs of one type or another.  We worked thru the wall to the marina and back thru the wall.  Later we sent worm rigs out on a lead core and we chased a harness out on a planer board rigged with a bottom bouncer.
We trolled parallel to the wall working our way south.
We had planned on Rob being able to see Shenango before he needed to return home so,we packed up and moved south.  
As for taking your lovely lady fishing at Shenango, there are no docks.  Unless you are one of the fortunate ones having a spouse who can back the trailer into the water thereby letting you drive off/on, then parking the vehicle, I WOULD NOT ADVISE SHENANGO!
2015/11/05 23:12:33
btdt..not going to shenago w/o docks..wife will hit me w a bat...only been to Jamestown lot once and never fished lower lake below Snodgrass...should I be watching for hidden sandbars..what is the wall?  I goota get to eyes or my name is mud and I will be cookin dinner for a month!
2015/11/05 23:16:17
Persistence usually pays off ! ......but I'm wondering?  The fish didn't make the time change the bite's an hour off!
2015/11/05 23:17:37
Persistence usually pays off ! ......but I'm wondering?  The fish didn't make the time change the bite's an hour off!

2015/11/05 23:30:28
btdt..not going to shenago w/o docks..wife will hit me w a bat...only been to Jamestown lot once and never fished lower lake below Snodgrass...should I be watching for hidden sandbars..what is the wall?  I goota get to eyes or my name is mud and I will be cookin dinner for a month!

Yes watch the locator, going down the lake stay center right and you should have little difficulty but, watch for depth changes as it will shallow quickly.  The causeway is what I am referring to as the wall but, there is a breaker wall at the marina on the north side of the cause way.
If ya don't know Shenango, not a good place to be boater moating.  Water is way down and dropping with no shoal markers anywhere. Lots of places to ruin your lower unit and boat before your locator would have a chance to show depth changes.  
Great time to find fish structure/habitat for next spring crappy fishing though.
2015/11/06 08:31:03
To top the day off, I got to meet "Wayneo73" and his kayaking buddies. 

great meeting you john... always good to be able to put a face with the name.  hopefully they were biting for you after we left.
i think it's time to start trying live bait!
2015/11/06 08:47:07
wayneo73i think it's time to start trying live bait!

Whitey don't believe in bait!  I told him all day that the best minnow lure was ACTUAL MINNOW!
Sorry Hoss, meant to call him Hoss.  :)
2015/11/06 08:50:14
                                                                 NOW.......... STOP THAT!
2015/11/06 12:35:48
OH BOY are you in BIG trouble.  Sucks to be you..............10-4!!!!!
Your asking me for advice on catching fish at Pymie?  I'm thinkin it was you that got me started with your advice.  You ain't blaming me for not catching... NO WAY!
First, I spent too much time going from Jamestown to the causeway via boat.  That time could have better been spent fishing Snod Grass-Jamestown area in and around the sunken islands.  I was hoping, the SSW wind the past two days would be stacking the bait fish against the wall and the walleye would be feeding.  They may well have but, not while we were there.
Rob and I, each using different baits, started with tossing jigs of one type or another.  We worked thru the wall to the marina and back thru the wall.  Later we sent worm rigs out on a lead core and we chased a harness out on a planer board rigged with a bottom bouncer.
We trolled parallel to the wall working our way south.
We had planned on Rob being able to see Shenango before he needed to return home so,we packed up and moved south.  
As for taking your lovely lady fishing at Shenango, there are no docks.  Unless you are one of the fortunate ones having a spouse who can back the trailer into the water thereby letting you drive off/on, then parking the vehicle, I WOULD NOT ADVISE SHENANGO!

You're a lot of fun to fish with and so very humble. You really should give yourself some credit.
You did manage that catfish on your hi-tech planer board rig and did you forget about those crappie in your livewell?
2015/11/06 12:52:40
Shenango at low tide ...... is it this bad yet ?


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