2015/02/16 12:25:24
Pretty sneaky of them to report that it was both Pymie and Arthur.  Good for them though.  I'm sure it was years of trial & error to figure things out.  He looks like one heck of a chef.  Might have to go check out his restaurant.  Hopefully not eating locally caught seafood though...
2015/02/17 12:37:04
My guess this was caught along  the Sandy Creek Trail above Kennerdell in the Allegheny.

From the pictures I saw, my first guess would be, your close Mikastorm.  The old R.R. bed and logging trails sure do look familiar.  Would have to say other pictures reveal shots of background upstream and there is no sign of power lines at Fisherman's Cove or the R.R Bridge at Belmar.  However, a known hot spot for fishing the Allegheny is the water intake at the power plant.  (oops, did I just 'spot-burn'.......?  My bad)
2015/02/17 15:46:31
That looks like Moraine to me. On the tracks between Barber and Neely's. IMHO.
2015/02/17 23:58:46
No doubt it's a good size Musky and a real prize ice fishing but it sounds like the stories are starting to get hyped up. Everyone is adding inches and pounds daily along with how old it was. Not saying these guys are the ones doing the hype but some people are juicing the story. Wonder what the girth was ? Length with girth will get you close to the the weight.
2015/02/18 08:48:51
That looks like Moraine to me. On the tracks between Barber and Neely's. IMHO.

Very interesting, enough to get me looking close.  Although, I think those are RR tracks in the background.  The road and bike trail are a bit deeper (from back end to where the lake is) and that does appear to be a logging trail.  Also N Shore Dr. there is very level, like the photo, but the bike trail is not, and I think would show up in the photo.  You could be right, but doing a little searching, I think their hot spot is further north in the state, on water that would have a RR track next to.  On water that I would never ice fish on...
That said, I have no doubt there are musky that size, possibly hanging out where you mentioned in Arthur.  
2015/02/18 11:26:05
Speaking of big muskies, does anyone remember the 67 inch musky that washed up on the bank of the Mon river in Monongahela Pa. back in 1986?  It had a duck stuck in it's gill.
Talk to a guy a few days ago who said that he witnessed it along with the owner of a sporting goods store at the time.  Was it ever determined to be real or a bogy?
2015/02/18 23:34:51
I'd have too see that fish with a tape measure next to it in a photo. Sounds far fetched.  Musky over 55" are about as rare as Bigfoot. http://www.fishingfury.co...st-muskie-ever-caught/  I doubt this fish's weight at 77lbs.  I guess over estimating size is fishermen's disease we all catch sooner or later ! This fish is huge and was 57" long !

2015/02/19 16:08:10
wasn't the world record 69 pounds, caught in the st. lawrence river back in the late 50s?
2015/02/19 16:09:17
brock, how soon before you and your son start fishing the river by your home?  i'm getting the itch.
2015/02/19 18:38:57
Ridgehunter...real as it comes...my hometown....saw it first hand.  Mayor of Mon City back in the day saw it grab a duck a few weeks before it washed up.  The ducks head and bill went out through the gills on the right(passenger) side of the musky.  Let's go back a bit, this all happened near the Aquatorium, a concrete stage built out into the river in Monongahela.  It used to be used for small bands, graduations, etc.  At the time this happened, there were literally hundreds and hundreds of ducks people used to feed down on the river and this was the access point.  Bring easy prey, you will bring predators.  Back to the musky, several people actually saw splashing on the far side of the river, but thought it was ducks chasing each other around.  A few days later, someone cruising the river saw the fish dead.  I happened to be headed up the river to fish a creek mouth and saw them holding it.  I went over and got a good look.  Was it 67"?  I don't know, I never saw the tape go on it.  I know they took it to get it measured(it wasn't in too bad of shape.)  I know this, I personally caught muskies to 45"(which I had mounted and looked at every day...sorry C&R folks, I was young) and it isn't hard for me to believe this musky was half again as long.  The guy holding it was standing on a pontoon boat and had it hanging on a boat hook.  He had the chin up by his chin and the tail was just brushing the floor.  Unless he was a midget, it was **** big.  Seriously, I live in Crawford County now and have seen the state record hanging in Linesville many times and I can say without any reservation, the Mon River Monster, dwarfed it. 
Does anyone remember the one the was trapped in the net at the spillway?  If you are old like me, you remember there used to be nets hanging under the bridge at the spillway and, I believe, once a year they used to pull them up and remove truckload(s) of carp.  They caught it in there by accident.  I remember it was a female and they called her Pymatuning Belle.  I have a length measurement in my head, but I cant say where it came from so it has to stay there(I only deal in facts, that way I don't have to defend them.)

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