2015/10/10 10:04:02
roflmao..btdt....you are free entertainment...keep em coming!!!!
2015/10/11 11:25:45
Awfully quiet on this board, you guys keeping the reports hush hush?  Don't make me come up there!!  I will!!  I mean it!!
I'm certainly wishin I was fishin the last few days; mercy, what gorgeous weather.  
I been battling a cold (awwwww( self pity party)) and thought it be best to stay in the house for a few days.  Today however, I'm feeling somewhat, like a new person raring to go get em.  Now, I need to get the numbness in my fingers (a/k/a/; carpal tunnel syndrome), contributed to patterns of hand use, cleared up.  I'm thinking the numbness thing was brought about while recuperating as I sat around the house, fighting boredom, refreshing my memory with tying different fishing knots.  
Not that I am easily bored, I just find using braided lines for fishing and the knots required, to be a....... challenge.
Sorry to leave you with the vision of me sitting around for two days playing with my knots. Serves ya right for keeping hush hush on the fishing.
Hoping I return with some bragging reports.
Your friend and mine;

2015/10/11 21:58:39
Welllllllllllllllllllllllllll......................... so much for bragging rights.

Launched at Jamestown, trolled center lake to east shore line turning around just short of Snodgrass launch.  Plenty of boats out; some joy riding others fishing.  Didn't talk with anybody but, boats at anchor seem to stay put til they left the water.  About 5:30 most boats were out of there leaving a few at anchor and a a few of us die hards trolling or drifting.
My Humming Bird was showing fish at a few feet; down to 17 ft. with more fish located in 20 ft. + water than 15 ft. or less.  There was a constant wind from the WSW creating an exceptional chop on the water and lending to good drift.   Wind was stiff enough making boat control somewhat a challenge maintaining speed as far as trolling, for me.  Stupid wind!  Water temp. seems to be holding constant at the present time with a reading of 64` F. surface.
Unfortunately the weather dudes ain't forecasting favorable wind for tomorrow or Tuesday and the air temp. don't look promising for the rest of the week.  Gonna need your insulated gutchies by the weeks end!!
Looks like I'll be sitting in my high chair trying to "harvest" a deer with a stick this week.  Nothing like swaying in a tree with dead branches hanging overhead during heavy winds.
For now.......... chow.
2015/10/12 07:24:31
btdt...thks for the report...I agree..will stay in my tree stand for another week.  that is a dandy perch...only takes about 3 that size to make one good meal!
2015/10/12 12:24:30
2015/10/12 14:08:38
btdt...thks for the report...I agree..will stay in my tree stand for another week.  that is a dandy perch...only takes about 3 that size to make one good meal!

Thank goodness I can fish at the local Eagle otherwise I'd starve if it takes three Perch that size to make a meal. Took me 6 hours to catch that one and, the wife can beat me at "rock.... scissors..... paper".

Arm wrestling too!
2015/10/12 15:42:06
No fishing report from me. I was there Saturday and Sunday but my job was to hang curtains, shelves, coat racks and house numbers. The house we bought had sulfur smelling water coming from the hot water tank. Was so bad you couldn't shower or even run the hot water for more than 30 seconds. Hired a plumber to remove the anode, and I read that pouring peroxide in the tank will solve the problem. Dang if it didn't. Let the peroxide sit for 20 minutes and turned the hot water one and the sulfur smell was gone. Made my wife happy, and you know what they say...Happy wife, Happy life. Had dinner at "Scooter's by the Lake" on Saturday, and it was great. Place was hopping. 
My buddy Joe, went out yesterday afternoon, but haven't got a report from him yet. When I do I will report back here.
No fishing for me, but life's still good!
2015/10/14 17:18:10
Did some crappie fishing Monday. Wind was up pretty good so i had to find some spots out of the wind. Found some brush in 8 to 14 ft and pulled 15 crappies from 10 to 13" from it. Jig and nibble did the trick for me. Waiting for this weather to stable out some before i head back out. Maybe i'll fish Shenango tomorrow tho.
2015/10/14 21:52:08
Thank-you Chauncy, nice to hear about the success and your time on the water with your brothers.   I'm thinkin next Wed. before I see the water again, weather man says gooder weather returning for then.  Not that, I'm a fair weather fisherman() or anything.
Good luck on the Shenango if ya make it out.
2015/10/15 07:39:29
thks for the report chaunc.  I have been chasing bambi.  I really wants a buck and walleye...dam its hard this time of year..too much to do.  As soon as the eyes start biting I will up.  if you see me hopefully you will remember my ugly mug!  keep the reports coming..they are a big help it makes me realize I am not as good of a fisherman as I think sometimes!..lol

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