2015/10/06 07:33:30
I fished yesterday out of Jamestown beautiful day fishing no so good.Drifted for couple hours when what little wind cooperated then trolled hot an tots all the way back from the islands.NADA.I was mainly targeting walleyes maybe I will have to change I ran into chauncy the crappie king may good friend was doing good as usual on the crappies. Is got to get better at least for me although u cant beat the weather just a beaytiful days to be on the water.
2015/10/07 19:56:50
ok here it is..my report...great day of boating..that a hint...wife got me a cabin as a present yesterday..3 friends backed out...no refund so went myself...wanted to be there at 3 and fish..2 coolers broke so did not leave till 4...got to cabin..went to check bowser launch...its toast..cant put a boat in..went to launch at ohio cabins camgropund...water too low...wheels would have dropped off end of ramp...drove to pa side..launch beside causeway looked ok..had dinner,,went to bed..up at 5....at dock at 7..all alone..got boat in water..all good!!!!....turn on depth finder I am in 1.5 ft of water...had to traverse 100 yards in .9 to 1.5 ft of water to get to lake..made it...trolled 6.5 hours..every depth..every trick I knew...never caught a fish..worst day in 3 years..talked to others ..it was same...hope you guys did better...it was still a great day...bty..guys coming in when I came in ripped up props on the rocks..becareful...ramps are a mess...keep your prop up as high as it will go...drive very slow..you should be fine!!..I will be back next week!!
2015/10/07 21:34:29
Marco, thanks for the report.
Here's mine. (Tuesday) 
Wanted to be on the lake by 1:00 pm. Didn't make it to Jamestown launch until 4:00 pm.
Talked to four guys at the launch. One caught two dink perch the others didn't get a bite.
Jamestown launch is fine, plenty of water.
Intended to stay overnight and fish Wed (truck camp). Fished a few brush piles and some weeds on my way up to the causeway. Got a few dink hits but couldn't even set the hook.
Wind picked up a bit so I set up to drift a NW at the causeway. Drifted until dark without any action.
Got a call about work and I needed to be back in the morning.
Had an interesting boat ride back to the launch. No moon, overcast sky and a good chop on the lake.
Never saw another boat the whole way back. One other truck in the lot when I got back.
We'll get em next time.
2015/10/08 00:35:37

That was me or, I mean my vehicle, I was actually on the other side of the lake getting ready to head for the launch.
Thought I was gonna have to put my "Goby Light" into operation to get back but, I remembered a nice waterways patrol officer from the "Buckeye" wrote me a warning about running such lights in open water.
Still dealing with the Canadian strain of bird flu but, I hope to make it back to Pymie tomorrow.
Marco many thanks for your tips and how to's on the use of lead core line
Certainly payed off for me today..............................
2015/10/08 12:39:22
Very nice bud ... I use lead core all the time on one trolling set up with hot n tots ... Have had pretty good luck but always open to tips 😜 Now the woods are calling me .... Lol
2015/10/08 16:05:41
keep the reports comin guys..its great that we can help each other without guys screaming that we will fish the lake out! ...lol..I am waiting for that!!...the bite has to start soon..i am heading out ..hopefully to kill my buck so I can eye fish the next 5 weeks!....just watch the boat ramps..they are mine fields!
2015/10/09 18:51:10
Nice fish. More walleye than I've caught in a month out there. Might give it a shot Sunday.
2015/10/09 23:14:52
Thanks crappie, hope I see ya there.  I have launched at Jamestown and Snodgrass, so far I've had no problem.  I did note the submerged islands are getting pretty close to the bottom of my boat.  Did a little cultivating with the propeller in one place.
2015/10/10 06:50:42
BTDT be carelul at Snodgrass I screwed up my ss prop at Snodgrass last week Ive had no problem at Jamestown though. The only problem I'm having is catching fish!!!!!!!!
2015/10/10 09:22:28
10-4 on the catching fish, but I'm thinking..... errr... hoping, that will change in the near future (as in, tomorrow near future.)
Appreciate the "heads up" on the Snodgrass situation, know where your talking about for sure.  Those "suddenly shallow" places are 'use to be islands' when the Pymie area was but swamp lands.   Normal summer pool is (correct me if I'm wrong) 1008 ft. and my GPS was showing 1004 ft with the GPS about 30" above the water line.  I have no Idea what the % of error is with my GPS elevation data but, I know I'm seeing much more shoreline then usual.
The "grapevine" says there's no relation to lower pool levels due to the current work at the spillway HOWEVER, rumors are abound concerning the SUDDEN discovery of the invasive Hydrilla weed. (OMG not that!!)
I'm  no expert but I do have a CDL and a CB radio which, in the minds of truck drivers, puts us in the same category of "Einsteins" (if ya don't believe that; get a CB, go to channel 19 around a truck stop and pose any question. I guarantee you'll get 10 different answers, unlike computer forums where you only get a half dozen, for the same money. (disclaimer: beware of offers from 'lot lizards'  wanting to buff your steering wheel.))  
Anyway about weed....... as in Hydrilla, when asked the question; "Ain't this the same weed that's been around since the invention of dam's" and of course; "No, that was a different brand.... err species"?  In response; "Oh! well paint me dumb and color me stupid"!!    The retaliation; "You have a bad attitude"!   I was dumbfounded "Moi" (that's french for me, (I drove truck, I can speak in foreign tongue.)) anyhow "Moi" (me).... have a bad attitude...., I never!!!
Well, to sum it up, there is some good coming from all this hype about the hydrilla (1) Uncle Charlies Aquatic Herbicide Co. stocks are about to rise, (2) The dock owners won't have to worry about the weed (bet if they could dry it out and sell it, they'd want it left alone) and, (3) Playing with their vegetation will give  the PFBC biologist something to do, now that, they've been told to "knock off destroying once fine fisheries" with their, "stupid lake specific fish" projects. 
  Opps............. heh heh.......  ummmm, I think it was because the tops of those sunken islands use to be, at one time, COVERED IN WEEDS which is something good for any lake having fish!  Sorry!
If you will excuse me, I'm feeling a little down at the moment I'll be jumping on channel 19 to make a appointment with my therapist.
Breaker one nine; HEEEEERE  lizard ....... lizard...... lizard!!!

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