2015/09/27 21:03:58
Hope it picks up again soon. At least I won't be missing much eye action while sitting in the woods next weekend
2015/09/28 10:35:38
Pymy....the fishing has been bad there for sure


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2015/09/28 12:22:21
YEAH Mikastorm; what he said.
2015/09/28 14:43:33
awesome photo, john.  man, you guys sure take some nice photos of that lake.  one thing that we'd do when it slowed down like this, we'd pull leadcore.  i knew others who fished bait vertically around stumps and swore by it, though i never had the patience to do so.
2015/09/30 17:22:11
Don't do a lot of walleye fishing on Pymy but the crappies were biting good last friday when i was there. Fished the Jamestown area. Got some as shallow as 5 ft and as deep as 14. Took home 22 that were 10" and better with a few being 12. Got them all on plastics. Some under a bobber and some tightlining. didn't take any pics.
2015/09/30 20:01:10
holy sh***....chauncy..I am honored you are here...to my recent friends...gotta tell a story...I met chauncy ice fishin at shenango yrs ago....I new nothing about crappie...I started following him here and another sight. he taught me more than I can explain...but...some people on this sight beat him up so bad for helping people..i left for years.....he did for a while also..i only came back when I switched to walleye fishing...probabaly a 5 to 7 year absence...I caught piles of crappie at pymy and shenango...thks to chauncy...I owe him a bundle..he is one of the best crappie fisherman in the northeast...doubt me..check all the articles written on him..he is humble and will help anybody...BTDT...and a few others will verify that I just got back on here a little while ago to learn about eye fishing and help others...I hope that we can all share and help each other...lots of fish to go around...yes there will be good times and bad..but don't blame the guys that help others...I learned from people I don't know..got a lot more to go but I will pass on and help all who want help...that is was chauncy did for me....thks chauncy...you may not remember me but that's ok...always admired you for helping people...now..my goal..to out fish you!!!!!
2015/09/30 21:09:31
Me and the Chauncy have, you might say, fired a few jabs at each other over the past year.  Naturally it was over silly stuff and when I read his recent post I had to chuckle for a minute.  Not about catching fish, Chauncy's successful fishing reputation precedes him for sure but, the last few words of his last sentence.
I was newer to this forum and had never heard of Chauncy until he popped onto a thread I was posting on.  Seemed he was a bit disturbed about a remark I made.  I was telling another angler to take pictures of his catch and as I recall I said; "it don't count if there ain't no pictures"
Can't say as I have ever read information posted by Chauncy or you and; "did not" pick-up on some good sound advice.
As we have discussed before Marco, there will always be those nay-Sayers trolling the boards and it's not them that make these threads lively, interesting and, fun to read.  It is however, people such as yourself, Chauncy as well as many others, that keep the forums up and running.
As for the nay-Sayers getting "bent out of shape"(BTDT).................... it sucks to be them! 
I got to meet "registered' at Pymie last week and we're looking to do a little fishing in the future (if the stupid monsoon every clears out); hopefully I'll get to meet yinz guyz on the water in the near future.
Chauncy appreciate the "heads-up";  if ya see a guy in a "Fish Hawk" jigging for crappie using 8'6" med. wt trolling rod rigged with leadcore line(if I learn how to tie a stupid knot), stop on over and introduce yourself.
Last but certainly not least, regarding the jabs......................  Chauncy started it!
PS. Marco, have not tried the knot yet but, TONIGHT'S THE NIGHT  stay tuned.
2015/10/01 00:44:36
One of the better threads on this dead site.
Chris - Congrats on the vacation home.  I'm sure you'll have that place looking nice in no time.  You have some great craftsman skills.  Hopefully the boys took on some, and give their old man a hand, before they end up with kids of their own and their free time slips away.
BTDT - I've never heard of dipping in flour after batter dipping.  I'm guessing extra crunchy.  Will have to give a shot.  If looking for a good tip to grill, coat with mayo, season to liking (salt & pepper or whatever), then grill on a cleaned oiled grill on high heat.  Mayo will keep it from sticking, and give you tasty grill marks.  Almost as good as frying.
Roy - Good luck on the Pymie place.  I'm still years away from getting any sort of vacation home.  Pymie would be the top of the list for me (although I'd love something in NC or FL, but don't have the time or money to use it enough).  I've looked at some places (online) to just fantasize, some good deals to be had.  I've tried to convince my folks to get a place near Pymie, but no go.  They'd rather just complain about Pgh and dream about getting away from it, instead of doing.
Oh yeah...  The heart of the thread, reading the reports, keeps me going when my fishing is slow (catching and getting out).  Arthur is living up to it's Dead Sea nickname.  At least for the time that I am able to get out and fish (midday), and only one trip in the past month + (although did get a week vacation to OBX in that time).  Hoping to get a dusk or dawn run in, and remind me why the lake is worth fishing.  Although, if Pymie were equal distance, I'd rarely fish Arthur.  Work is kicking my rear, so just getting to read threads like this is likely my fishing time until the end of Sept.  Sucks, but great to see a thread like this in times that fishing is just a day dream for me...

  Thanks Tim,
Place needs ton ov work 1880's but has great bones & tons ov Wormy Chestnut. Close to the Holeshot on Maple Rd. Timmy has been a big help. Haven't had time to fish yet but put in a order for fatheads tonight. On Sunday the horse & buggies out numbered cars 3 to one, think I was in the twilight zone or somethin  Bought a bunch ov them lightsticks & plan on usin 'em soon. Lookin' for a Eye boat for up there.
  The eclipse was cool Sun. night.
2015/10/01 08:44:20
I will 2nd marcos comments about chauncy.He is the crappie king w/o a doubt.I to have learned a few things from him. Kenny I'm sorry we didn't make it up erie this year I didn't get there myself .Ive been pounding pyma for eyes this summer without a lot of success. see u on water soon for sure on the ice.
2015/10/01 09:21:51
Chauncy is the crappie king! A great guy that will help anyone. If all fishermen or men period were more like him ...life would be so much nicer...going fishing now...report later

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