2017/11/20 13:09:24
BTDT, my experience with "river people" on the Allegheny must be the exception to the rule, I guess. I had a camp for a very short time in an area called Eagle Rock, not far from Oil City. A lease if you will.  I apparently didn't do quite enough due diligence prior to purchase (trusted an old friend, my fault) and when I went to pay the taxes the "owner" told me basically to vacate the property. My wife was convinced that he and his family were all meth heads and they sure did fit the part. Last I heard was that the "owner" wasn't the owner and he lost the camp as well.
There's a lot more to the story and if we ever meet, I'll tell it to you. My wife's version is funnier, though.
Back to my list of why Pymy is nicer than the River...
2017/11/20 18:18:56
Good grief Roy that sounds like a horrible story and it sounds like you got mixed up with the 'other' river people.  That would be the stupid river people (A/K/A; river doorknobs) but yeah, I know the Eagle Rock area very well......., ummm,  excuse me a sec Roy  (NO yinz wise guyz, it ain't where I get my meth,  so there)) OK I'm back..... and sorry to hear ya got in that mess.  However it is a very good point to make and one we take into serious consideration, each and every time we look at a piece of property, cause ya just never know.  For instance the property at Pymie has been up for sale under a couple different realtors and several price reductions over several years.  One must ask one's self why such a great home wouldn't sell quickly. 
2017/11/27 12:31:52
Awfully quiet from mup there on Pymie, yinz fellas keepin sumpthin secrete the rest of us should know about?

Weather dude sayin all this week should be good as ever fishin timez.
2017/12/15 14:51:27
2017/12/15 16:59:07
Won't be long til time for the 'spud bar shuffle; the dance performed by only the bravest of the hard core.... errr, hard water angler.
Thanks for posting the pictures here and elsewhere Crappie.  Gives me an idea for a new thread; Fishin Bear.  [sorry]
2017/12/15 18:02:35
Yep, gotta make sure the ice will bear your weight.. 😄
2017/12/15 22:07:16
Yep, gotta make sure the ice will bear your weight.. 😄

😄 🍻
2017/12/25 11:52:43
Ugly Stik
Fish the river below Pymy last week. The river was really low. I fished hard all morning and had two little taps. I assume these were perch. Maybe the cold weather will give us some decent ice. Merry Christmas and tight lines in 2018
2017/12/28 22:38:53
Is the ice up to the causeway.... yet?
2017/12/29 07:22:26
I was at camp yesterday,there was 3 tents out in front of Manning. The gate for Tuttle point was closed, but the road was plowed

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