2017/10/16 09:14:04
Thanks for the update Roy,
Has the lake turned over?
Not sure how you tell but BTDT, Marco and I can't seem to catch any fish when the lake is turning over.
2017/10/16 09:58:36
PSSSST Roygpa.... Cabala's, Bass Pro, etc.

PS. I will deny having anything to do with this.

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Registered I'd rather catch nothing on a turned over lake than in a turned over botor moat... how-'bout-it?

hee hee he!



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2017/10/16 10:23:50
I don't know how to tell when a lake turns over either. With all of the wind and waves yesterday, I am betting it got a good start at turning over.
BTDT: I like that piece of art better than my carp bones wind chime!
2017/10/16 10:53:06
It's an actual wind chime and now ya got me thinking about getting one for in my mancave. Lord knows it gets quite windy in there, when I climb on my soapbox. lmao! owe!!!😖
2017/11/04 22:39:59
Anyone having any luck from shore?
2017/11/06 18:02:55
Wanted to get out today but changed plans. Gonna try hopefully on Weds. myself. Still decieding where to give it a shot(s) Cricks might still be a little muddy. If I make it out I'll give a report good or not so.
2017/11/08 17:45:58
 Not so good. Fished 3:00 -- 5:00 a lot ov Geese & some flocks ov Black ducks. Fished at the lake if u wanted Perch they were right up as close as they could get to the bank. 4' from shore would be too FAR OUT! Not what I was hoping for. Heck with the lake I'm gonna fish a crick up there next time out. Possibly tomorrow.
2017/11/10 12:11:36
I may try next week once archery seasons is done
2017/11/10 15:48:56
 Had a hunch where to give a try yesterday. Didn't make it out 'till late but was glad I gave it a try. That youtube can make a big difference on where to go on a lake the sz. ov Pmy   for this time ov yr.  Hope to get back out in a week or so. Wanna give Arthur another shot next week first.
Good Luck with the deer & fish.
2017/11/12 17:17:50
do you use live bait or lures this time of year?

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