2017/08/21 11:06:24
The  catfish are more difficult to clean and don't like dying (who does) and make a mess of me while cleaning them.
I fillet them like I do anything else then skin them. Seems like as soon as you stick them with a knife they lock their pectoral and dorsal fin spines in the out position, which make it difficult to lay them on their side on the cleaning table. 
2017/08/21 13:48:28
On those catfish you just take a pair of wire cutters and cut those fins then they lay down just fine to fillet
2017/08/21 14:03:00
Good idea Pymafish, I will have to put a pair of wire cutters in with my fillet knives.
2017/08/21 14:14:56
YouTube has videos using a electric knife to fillet. I'm too cheap to spend the money for a battery operated and would electrocute myself with a 120 volt knife.

Gonna give it a shot if I ever get back to fishing. Notice I said fishing not catching?

ummm..... the filleting not the electrocuting!!!
2017/08/21 16:58:22
I have spoken with a number of fisherman at Pym, three gentlemen from ohio have consistently put walleye in the livewell all season.  They have some extremely high end electronics, viewed the fish firsthand.  Someone knows the pattern. 
2017/08/21 17:38:58
Sky I concur with exception.

I know a father son team that catches Walleye year round like some guys catch panfish.

Your absolutely right when saying its about knowing the pattern. These two guys certainly have the pattern and can be seen fishing, within the area of two football fields, anytime during the year.

The exception, they too notice the difference with the fishing. Catching is a bit leaner so far, this summer.

Now my fishing prediction for the next six months. With the passing of the Solar Eclipse today, I predict I will not be fishing anymore then before the Solar Eclipse.

Must go now, stress from Solar Eclipse Hype continues to be overwhelming and I hear a nap calling my name.
2017/08/21 19:30:19
Man, I can't wait to retire so I can wake up two or three times a day.
2017/08/21 20:36:17
Well I just want you to know, I personally represent that remark!
2017/08/22 20:25:33
I bleed catfish out just like i do walleyes. Clip them and throw them in the livewell. Leave the plug out and add water as needed. After half an hour, take them out and put them on ice with the rest of the fish. Much easier to fillet and the meat is whiter.
2017/09/26 00:14:01

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