2017/07/21 20:49:14
98% of what you see on the internet is pure BS; the other 2% accurate only by accident. You can mis-quote me on that.
2017/07/22 19:36:41
Whewwww that was some kinda scaaary. I was most going into withdrawal and peed my panty's or sumpthin.

Hours and hours going by and still no access.

FishUSA do not do that again.

Pretty please?😯
2017/07/23 17:39:28
Eye fishing has treated me poorly for the past week and a half or so. Been shallow, been deep, drifted and trolled, nothing but cats. Did get checked for invasive species at the Snodgrass launch this morning. On the upside, thanks fish usa for selling me a beautiful Fenwick HMG yesterday. Handled those cats great, and the new version of the Pfleuger president is great as well πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€. Been looking at that setup for a while and I don't think ill be disappointed.
2017/07/24 09:54:39
Roy's Weekend Fishing Update:
Didn't fish this weekend, had a gout flare up that went from mild to "just cut my toe off please!" during the afternoon on Saturday. Kudos to Med Express and Giant Eagle Pharmacy in Meadville and whoever invented colchicine and endomethicine. Pain went from a 9 out of 10 Saturday to a 2 on Sunday.
To borrow BTDT's line "Stupid gout!"
2017/07/24 13:19:11
Roy's Weekend Fishing Update:
Didn't fish this weekend, had a gout flare up that went from mild to "just cut my toe off please!" during the afternoon on Saturday. Kudos to Med Express and Giant Eagle Pharmacy in Meadville and whoever invented colchicine and endomethicine. Pain went from a 9 out of 10 Saturday to a 2 on Sunday.
To borrow BTDT's line "Stupid gout!"

GOOD GRIEF Roy!!! That sounded HORRIBLE😨

Certainly happy to hear you were able to get things under control and reduce the pain.

Sounds like things were past 'stupid' and approaching "Ignorant".

Glad you're doing better.πŸ‘
2017/07/24 21:42:18
hey captain.im still here fishing just about every day.the lake has been up and down but im still catchin lots of fish.hybrids are great this year.white bass are on fire right now.get your but out on da lake buddy.
2017/07/24 21:49:53
sorry brock,i haven't been on this site for a long time.i will try and get on it more often.see ya on da lake
2017/07/26 10:35:23
Hey Rick nice to hear ya! I looked for you in the spring time when I rolled out at daylight a bunch of times. I've been up a few times since got a few but most have eluded me lately. Was out yesterday awhile on my son's pontoon, not much action at all. Bad timing , middle of the day, should know better, but just wanted to head out awhile. I'll see one evening there. Your private E mail still the same I got  ? I'll check in once in awhile.
2017/07/28 21:24:41
fishin coyote
Here's a quick report. Friday afternoon out of Linesville gusty winds out of the north water was 77.5* and the action was slow but did manage to boat a few kitty's and big gills. Guess I should of went south.

2017/07/28 21:26:02
Any reports on the drift fishing at Pymie today? 🌊

How about the wind surfing?πŸŒ€

oooops 'yote beat me to it. Nuts!

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