2017/07/11 22:55:57
Sam, I'm sure that some of that shoreline brush they put in isn't producing any good fishing. Make a three foot rebar hook. Grab those trees and drag them out to the drop off and drop them there. Don't let people see you doing it as they'll claim those spots as their own. I've done this many times on my home Lake and made some pretty productive spots. Doesn't have to be done at night either. Did mine at sunrise. First trailer in the lot. Remember to scout your spot out first so you know how far to drag it.

That's really a fantastic idea.  Can't believe I haven't come across that before.  I know that guys (and the commission for that matter) will make their own brush piles and leave them on the ice, but I have this aversion to both cold and falling through ice to my watery death.  I have some perfect spots for that action too.  :)  
2017/07/11 23:09:13
Kokanee Killer
i was young and remember my grandfather  circa late 70s  using  as he mis pronounced it    lowrange   not lowrance   flasher lol   still works today  btdt lol
2017/07/12 00:09:33
Bought one of them big Ole clumsy flashy gadgets myself. Can't remember the exact date but was in the seventies.

I believe the price was $99.99 and I bought it at Fergies on Wilhelm. Mounted the thing on my 16ft Starcraft SS.

Like today, back then, I knew nothing about the operation but like today, back then, I sure did look good.

I think mine can be found in a landfill somewhere in Ohio. However, Fergies is certainly still working. Though under new ownership, some years back.

Kokanee thanks for mentioning the Lowranger Flasher. Many many great memories.
2017/07/12 07:27:21
So people who don't have the luxury of a thousand dollars worth of electronics, use the maps that tell them there are trees sunken off shore, and are sitting over barren spots?  Nice, poor saps........

Yes, poor saps. If they sit there not catching anything all day, poor saps.
2017/07/12 09:42:40

Yes, poor saps. If they sit there not catching anything all day, poor saps.

...........not catching anything all day? Poor saps? 😯

HEYyyyyy....... I happen to (rep)resent that remark!!!

2017/07/12 10:27:42
Not to mention that it is illegal to either place or move structure without the landowners' permission......
2017/07/12 11:20:56
Hope the landowners at pymie and shenango go after mother nature! Her rain is causing structure to move all over the lake!
2017/07/12 11:38:38
LoL  Well thought out
2017/07/12 12:54:16
UH-OH I may be in trouble cause I'm sure I've moved structure around a few times.  Either by dredging with "lead core" or dislocating it with my prop.  Come to think of it, all the lures I've lost, would make a pretty good structure.  Dam-it-boy!!!
2017/07/12 20:46:43
Congrats to the guys that are catching. Chauncy, you are the crappie King! Gave it a shot trying to find walter this afternoon, but ended up with nothing but cats. Two big ones put up a hell of a fight making me think they were going to be large eyes, but it wasn't so.

BTDT, the dog and I will be hitting the shoreline soon swimming and scouting for lures, so I'll thank you in advance for donating to my collection :).

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