2017/05/03 20:35:41
Big Tuna
There's two ways to eat them baby fish,fry them hard or grind them. I've done neither but have ask many who keep them small ones. lol  The only baby fish I eat are smelt and boneless,skinless sardines in olive oil.lol
2017/05/03 20:45:56
I prefer Swedish...
2017/05/03 23:29:52
I have no problem with any people keeping their legal limits of fish, it's their right by established fishing laws and limits. What I don't understand is keeping all panfish or perch only 3"-4" long ? One should also realize letting some go establishes future breeding stock.
I'll admit Amish have a way of over harvesting game and fish to the point they ruin it for themselves as well as others .  

2017/05/03 23:33:19
they have no concept of conservation  they think for the most part they are entitled to over harvesting  
2017/05/04 11:34:42
I don't know about the amish but the fishing still stinks on pymie right now.We fish it 2 to 3 times a week a couple crappies here and there a couple gills and a few dink perch. I'm docked out of Linesville and ive talked to many who come in fron a long dat of fishing with nothing to speak of!! Wife got I nice crappie and 2 gills in the stumps yesterday me I got another skunk also with a bunch of others. Sincemy boats has been in Ive seen NO AMISH out maybe they know something we don't.  HOPE it picks up
2017/05/04 12:01:34
BINGO...... when der dutchman don't fish der fish don't bite.

Time to hitch der team and plant der corn... YAH?

Truthfully, the Dutch consume what they harvest, unlike some of der Englishman who will keep thier catch for mere bragging rights, then toss em in der garbage can. YAHHHhhh!!!
2017/05/04 17:41:57
Something is off the crappie are not even running the shenango river yet.
Have to see how the summer walleye bite goes, hope this is not an off year.
2017/05/07 08:11:23
That's because we caught them all 3 days we killed it then they left I heard reports of slabs being caught 2 weeks prior the white bass are in now crappie left, also been seeing lots caught out of shanango and pyme
2017/05/07 10:26:18
How's the heaters working in those boats now days ? Talk about the Dead Sea (Pymy)
Bait shops got to be real empty....seen them cleaning cob webs off the shelves last week!
I know the Walleye bite is coming................?????  
2017/05/07 10:48:43
Spring Classic postponed to May 13th.

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