2015/09/21 10:26:03
BTDT...quick..couple years ago...going duck huntint in October on the ohio river.  we launched boat in the dark...buddy says go grab a couple coffees.  went 2 blocks to a cogos in monaca...get a call...GET BACK HERE..BOAT IS SINKING....I rush back..boat is sunk...decoys guns and all our gear is floating...buddy is standing in boat in water up to his thighs.  it was hilarious...I now have a big sticker on my dash that says...DON'T FORGET PLUG!....btw...love the ohio cabins..its our home away from home..i call it amish city!
2015/09/21 10:53:32
Crappie_Slayer if ya wasn't fishin Pymie yesterday.........................  ya just missed a great opportunity.  It was so rough out there the night crawlers got seasick.
Marco, I don't know whether to laugh or cry; at the time that had to be horrible, but now................... it's so funny I gotta sit on my hands to keep from clapping.
2015/09/21 15:37:33
Fished today out of Snodgrass the day was beautiful byt the fishing is just plain lousy!!!!!!!!!!!!We cant even get the channel cats to bite now. tried everything even the bobby garlands shads cant get a bite. Fished by islands with about 5 or 6 other boats didn't see a thing caught!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also stopped at shenango they had signs everywhere warning of the algae bloom the water looked bad to me at ramp so I went to pyma instead!! Hope it gets better soon.
2015/09/21 16:36:41
Ice Nut I think the fish are still sick from all the wave action yesterday or, they haven't found their way back after being washed down to the dam.
Walcat, ummmmmmmmmmm.................  NO!   I'm sure everyone out there has experienced that rocking feeling, while sitting in their easy chair at home, after being in a boat on choppy water all day.  Wellll I had my share of that feeling too...... fell out of bed three times last night.
Thanks for the offer, I just can't go the Erie thing cause I know I would be needing a bigger boat even if I didn't catch a fish.  Such a vast amount of water and sooooo many places to go, things to do and, people to see.  That would great!
I'm not saying the waves were huge but, it was one right after another, some higher then others and, constant.  When I first shut the engine down the bow of the boat was facing into the waves and wind.  I stepped to the bow deck, bent over to pick-up a fishing rod and was ever so grateful there was a fishing chair to grab a hold of, to keep from going over.  Just that quick, the boat was sideways to the waves and it was every man for himself.  I spent the next couple of hours standing between the consoles pretending to be fishing.  It's not that I wanted to continue fishing that area; it's just, I couldn't release my grasp on the steering wheel long enough to start the motor.
The last time I experienced wave action like that was the July Fourth weekend on Shenango.
Gotta git, I hear a nap calling my name.
2015/09/22 09:03:16
dam..I am leaving for pymy in 3 hours...hope it gets better...lol..wife is gonna be bored!!!!!!
2015/09/22 09:18:40
Gonna be beautiful for the rest of the week except, for the clear blue sunny sky.  Save me a spot I'ma comin...................................
2015/09/22 09:30:11
you gonna be there tom?  I have a black lund..16.5 ft..black merc....beautiful wife..she will have head to toe camo on....cant miss us..will be between causeway and Snodgrass..trolling if flat...drifting if windy...if you see us stop and introduce yourself!
2015/09/22 11:42:38
Sometime after noonish I'm hoping, I'll be lookin for ya, watch for the Union Jack.   Arrrrghh thems 'eyes'  best be a feedin!
Sorry...... got a little excited.
PS.  John
2015/09/22 11:46:48
lmao..I know the feeling
2015/09/22 22:47:11

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