2017/04/27 21:47:09
Marcos good to hear your project is moving along. Heck I was probably in your neihbohood today. I was down every lane having realestate for sale signs posted on south lake road. After three hours of rubber necking , walking shorelines and talking with realtors enough was enough so, it was off to Carinis in Jamestown for a great spaghetti and sausage dinner.

Wonderful seeing you yesterday at the launch and I will be looking forward to seeing you, on the water in the future, and hearing more of your exciting fishy stories.
2017/04/27 22:46:41
Mopars am I mistaken or may we be seeing you on the water in the near future?

Good to hear your projects are coming to a end and you will soon be joining those of us who seek the ever elusive stupid fish.

You and Marcos should get together an compare construction notes. After property hunting the Pymie area, I may need a couple of qualified DIYselfers to assist me with rehabing anything I may afford.

You two guys could make repairs while I sit and drink your beer.
2017/04/27 23:13:56
Crappy_Slayer you can bet there is never a dull moment when fishing with any one of the three guys who let me within their casting distance.

Guaranteed, fishing with WalleyeBill, Marcos or, registered you'll be taking home a livewell full of good time.

Chances are after spending a day fishing with one (not recommended more than 2 at a time) you will look forward to getting out the next time.

Good people, they must be, they let me hang around.
2017/04/28 10:39:42
Mopars am I mistaken or may we be seeing you on the water in the near future?

Good to hear your projects are coming to a end and you will soon be joining those of us who seek the ever elusive stupid fish.

You and Marcos should get together an compare construction notes. After property hunting the Pymie area, I may need a couple of qualified DIYselfers to assist me with rehabing anything I may afford.

You two guys could make repairs while I sit and drink your beer.
. Yepper buddy getting close ... boat is sitting in garage ready to go. , hope to see y'all very soon.... I'M READY !!!
2017/05/01 16:36:36
anybody have details about the crappie tournament, total weight and biggest fish should tell what this lake still has to offer?
2017/05/01 16:48:30
We fished the tourney. Had 6 pounds. Top 4 all had over 7. We caught a lot of fish but only 2 over 13 in the 4 days we were here. Not what it was 5 years ago for sure
2017/05/01 18:33:17
Tournament results.... Robinson's Bait

2017/05/02 08:05:31
Yesterday they stocked Lil Shenango so I stopped for an hour to try my luck. The creek was muddy and high. There was a guy telling his buddy about the 68 walleye he caught at the spillway. He would catch his limit ....take them home...then go back at midnight and catch another limit. So the mysterious walleye that elude me really just aren,t there. I would like to see no fishing allowed on that wall.....just crazy with the amount of fish pulled from there. Any thoughts? 
2017/05/02 10:07:26
Been talking to a few people and the consensus seems to be to close the basin from the underpass to the breakwall.  I don't know if it would make a huge difference or not, but it would be easier to patrol/enforce.  Just a thought.
2017/05/02 12:16:16
There are rumors, perhaps a few more calls to the PUFBC will encourage the idea. Than again those fishing the "circus" may well be calling, to discourage the idea.

Also I would think the suppliers of Walleye fry, for stocking, would be saddened to hear a greater possibility of natural reproduction might be on the horizon .

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