2017/04/26 21:59:44
Not a ton of marks anywhere, from either of my 2 trolling explorations. 1 north, 1 south.
2017/04/27 00:29:29
Wow, no parking at the launch ramp on a Wednesday. The lake really seems to be getting pounded more than usual the last few years. Don't fish it to much anymore, poor fishing and crowds have moved us to other lakes. It really used to be something special, maybe someday they will get it back in shape. But if that ever happens, I am sure you would be able to walk across the boats to get to shore if you ran out of bait.
2017/04/27 05:10:05
Big Tuna
Blame it on the Amish. Blame it on the alewive. Blame it on stocking fry instead of fingerlings. Blame it on Ohio. Blame it on the spillway. Still one on the better inland lakes. Many moons ago trolling tots 30-40 fish a day but 90 percent shorts. Years ago ice fishing off Snodgrass I caught 40 plus fish on a Swedish Pimple one day and only kept 3 over 15.5 inches. Seen up and down years, my answer to you,go north Erie.lol I was really thinking this would be a great year at Pymy,and I'd be missing out. Sure glad I cashed in on that off the charts perch bite in the bay. Don't give up May is usually the month to fill the freezer.
2017/04/27 07:35:26
I think it Gary Alt's fault. Kinda of similar if you think about it. Most guys would love to be able to catch 20 to 30 a day and bring home 3 or 4, than fish all day for 1 or 2 20 inchers. Oh well, it is what it is. Its a nice lake to spend an afternoon on, if you can get a parking spot
2017/04/27 08:12:38
What a fabulous day on the Pymie yesterday, by far one of the finest days of fishing I have had so far this year.

Began the morning shoving off at Tuttle where a near perfect chop and wind was already in progress. Fished the humps and bumps immediately around the point joining many of the other many boats, already on the water. Before I forget, did I mention there seem to be many boats on the water, in the Tuttle Point area?

Honestly, once on the water, I couldn't tell if the 'near perfect chop' was created by a near perfect wind or if the waves, were created by many of the many boats that was already on the water.

After fishing several hours and having found the outing at the north end of the lake to be so enjoyable, I decided to satisfy my curiosity and travel to Jamestown to see what kind of day the south end was enjoying. Not by water of course but by road so it was back to the Tuttle launch where I was assisted by another angler who was very nice with getting the Fish Hawk back on her bunks. During the process, a interesting conversation ensued regarding the many boats on the lake, to which we both agreed, there were many boats on the water.

Having the Fish Hawk loaded I thanked the angler for his assistance and offered my help with getting his boat trailered of which, he greatfully declined. So, it was down the road I go.

FYI, If using Tuttle watch out for the pot holes between the old swimming beach and the boat launch.😧

Made a right hand turn onto 285 crossing the causeway, stopping at Gateway Bait and Tackle for some floaty jigs and crawlers followed by a quick turn into McDonald's for a couple quarter pounders and down the road I go.

Waiting for traffic to pass I saw Walleye Bill go by who too was headed to Jamestown after fishing the Linesville area where he noticed many boats on the water.

It was at the Jamestown launch that the day got even better because it was there that I got to see two guys that was muupere to do some fishing and fishing they did. Registered and Marcos, were both fixing to leave after spending 6 hours on the water in search of the elusive Pymie Walleye. (or other fish)

A offer to join me was kindly declined by Marcos as he had work to do at his new Adobe on the Pymie but Registered, being the passionate angler he is, climbed aboard and, down the road we go.

Shortly thereafter we were joined on the water by Walleye Bill where we spent the rest of the day fishing, with only an occasional boat going by, in route to or from the dock.

Memories of fishing are fun but it's days like yesterday that make for some great remenicing of days on the water.

Darkness settled in as we loaded the Fish Hawk back on her bunks. A handshake, thankyou and, a hope to see you soon then, it was down the road we go.

The fishing was great, the catching not so much but hey, they are the ones missing out on a wonderful time, stupid fish!
2017/04/27 11:44:50
Could be the number of boats is guys out searching for the crappie tourney this weekend
2017/04/27 13:23:02
Great time John, and Marco.
Made it home before midnight. Not a total zombie today, I actually got some work done.
Great day, great memories. Hope to see you guys soon.
2017/04/27 18:51:24
Fun fact not only are the walleyes not wanting to come out and play, the crappies arent either
2017/04/27 20:03:15
Sounds like you guys had an enjoyable day BTDT/registered. Buddy and I tried to make it out this evening, but I was running late from work and made it there late. In the end I'm glad we did. Watched the radar and it looked like the series of small storms would miss. Picked up some bait, got to the launch, and promptly drove home as the storms converged and the sky turned black. 1 other truck parked at the launch, hopefully he made it off safe.

As far as the bite being off this year, I'm sure fishing pressure and such has an effect on it, but i'm also going to chalk it up to a wild and mild winter. I was catching crappie in February in places I don't normally hit until April. I wasn't around for the haydays of catching 30- 40 small eyes in a day, but in the past few years I have caught a lot of sub legal fish, as well as some brutes. Pymy is still a great fishery in my mind, but as outasync's buddy did, you might have to do some searching in non traditional areas
2017/04/27 20:25:57
Good reading there BTDT ... long but very enjoyable 👍.. my remodeling project is almost done had a week delay but hopefully should be done soon. Son in law is helping actually he is putting the new floor down so have to work around his schedule but again almost done. I did get the my vehicle washed and waxed today now it's raining but it is all nice and shiny sitting in the garage.👍🍺 Anyways reading things on here doesn't look like I'm missing much hope things pick up soon ...Took a ride down to Author last evening with my son and grandkids , he was looking for some areas to shore fish with the kids. He lives in Harrusville so went down to 528 over to 422 the launch by the bridge on 528 was packed, a lot of boats out also a lot of shore fishing going on. Talked to one guy leaving about 8:00 and he said it was pretty slow....,like I said don't think I'm missing much ..... good luck guys , kinda got to pick up right ..... we hope ... like BTDT says stupid fish

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