2017/04/24 13:59:19
Great story Tim, that's a lucky guy ! Is that a Trout stream by chance, didn't see any fish in that creek ?  Maybe some native Trout? First time up that way in over 30 years.
I see others are not having luck on Pymy also.....strange season so far! 
2017/04/25 01:29:14
What happened to pyme? Seems like no one is catching much other then crappies and catfish
2017/04/26 07:38:27
Pymy is definitely fishing bad for Walleye so far. Not sure what's up, but when 5-6 guys I fish with on and off are all struggling to catch Spring Walleyes something is wrong. We have hit several different areas , different times of night and day, with very little results! We keep finding excuses, but the Walleye have yet to show for the Spring bite along the shores. Hopefully it's just a slow start but compared to other years it's way off !
Any word on the Fish Commish netting numbers ......up , down, same ?
2017/04/26 08:13:05
I went out yesterday for some daylight shore fishing. Didn't really expect to catch any eyes, and didn't. Took a tumble in some rocks. Landing scored a 3.3. One knee abrasion, one deep bruised thigh, and a right shoulder dislocation.. Tried to tuck and roll, but missed the landing. It's rough getting old. First things first though, Son and I will be out trolling the stump area   today in a 16' Sylvan. Will deal with the shoulder later at the emergency room. Will give a report soon as possible... 
2017/04/26 08:29:48
New Linesville launch ramp and dredging. How's that working out?
2017/04/26 08:56:14
big bobber
It's unfortunate, but I don't ever think Pymie will return to it's glory days. The lake had a bit of resurgence a couple years ago that ended up putting tons of extra pressure on the lake. Everyone heard the walley were back and decided to go back to Pymie. The numbers of walleyes never came close to rebounding like back in the heyday. You can see by the pictures and reports that are posted, the walleyes that for the most part are being caught are much bigger on average than the old days. It was common occurence for many fisherman to go out and catch 30 or more walleyes in a day and get a limit of 15"to 16 1/2" fish with maybe a 17/18" every now and again. Now the angling effort produces a couple fish a day if your lucky. But if you are able to get a few ,they are much nicer usually in the 21" + size range. With amount of angling effort you should be seeing or hearing of sub legal fish being caught on a regular basis, and you are not. I think a few factors have played into the poor fishing over the years. Pymie has, so to speak matured over the years. I, too am one those guys that has been fishing this lake since the early 70's. Back in the day you couldn't drop a jig or a little joe spinner(remember those) on a drift to the bottom with out getting hung up in 2 seconds flat. That cover has degraded tremendously over the years, not as many places for those youngsters to hide in my opinion. The internet is a wonderful thing, but it can do alot of things and one is put alot of pressure on a fisherie. A couple years ago when the walleye were supposedly back , the north end of the lake looked like the western basin of lake Erie on Memorial day weekend. Like I said, I have fished this lake for many many years and I had never seen the amount of boats as I did that day. Simple mathmatics will tell you that kind of pressure has to take it toll on the quality of the fishing. I believe that Alewives getting into the lake have also had a negative impact as well. They have been stocking larger fry the last couple years but with very limited success.  All in all , Pymie is what it is. Its a lake that has tons of good memories for us older guys, who remember it for what it used to be like go catch a mess of fish in a day. And hope that someday it will get there again. It's sad, but the younger crowd will probably never get to experience the fishing at Pymie like we had it back in the day. For now , it a grind it out lake. If your happy going out and being on the water and maybe catching a couple 20 plus inchers and a few crappie, perch and a cat or two then this is lake for you. The question was asked what happened to Pymie.  Degraded habitat, over fishing, introduction of a nonnative species and slow response and planning from fisheries managers. Thats what happened to Pymie. It's still a beautiful lake and holds many great memories and I'm still thankful for the time I get to spend on her even though the fishing can be very poor. She aint what she used to be, but she's still "mine" and will I always have a soft spot for her. Till next time
2017/04/26 09:29:57
A buddy of mine is doing real good on walleye in early morning and evenings with chubs. He had to do a little searching to find a new spot since his usual ones don't seem to be producing. I still havnt had time to make it up. The new little guy is taking up alot of my time.
2017/04/26 14:05:47
My coworker was just up for the weekend. Didn't catch a single walleye. He goes up every year
2017/04/26 18:27:33
I've noticed large numbers of small Shad especially on the East side. Never seen big schools like that before on Pymy. Once again not making excuses, but excessive bait would make fishing tougher  Like I said the Fish Commish usually posts size reports on classes of fish they net and study.
Olds your a tough one , still fishing bruised and banged up..... you just keep on ticking ! 
BB I too have fished Pymy on and off since the 70's also. I've seen the mix of up's and downs over the years. I remember the days of catching small size Walleye all day long and the days of catching nothing all day long. I guess it's just a nature thing , but I agree Pymy does get tons of more pressure now that the internet has come about. Weather along with satellite maps and instant information make it more easy to zero in on good fishing as far as timing. Even with all the info still nature has a way of protecting it's own, but with all the new automation out there it does give it a challenge. 
Still Pymy rules on Musky and Walleye as compared to any other inland lake in all of Pa.!  
2017/04/26 21:47:56
Was out on the water from 10 am to 6 pm today. Did many laps and miles trolling trying everything in the tackle box. We caught 1 bluegill, 1 perch and 1 catfish. Not much of a showing for fishing all the spots known to have produced in the past. Couldn't have asked for a prettier day to be out. Perfect chop and all. Water temp on the surface ranged from 61.7 to 62.7 degrees. Apparently no one works any more and seemed to be on Pymy today. To answer BTDT's question how end of the road launch worked out. There was no parking left there, so went out of Wilsons. Tomorrow it's off to the chiropractor to get the right wing of mine put back in place...olds 

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