2015/09/18 21:17:32
Out from 4:30-7:00. No eyes, but 15 channel cats. Good size for the most part. If I kept all the channel cats we caught during the year there's be no room in my freezer. Had a fish on today I thought was gonna be a nice eye, but ended up being this guy. 1st bowfin I've ever caught on pymy.
2015/09/18 21:44:36
Congrats on your Bowfin Crappie and thanks a bunch for the update.  I bought three dozen crawlers this past Tues. and just can't seem to get up to Pymie to use them; sure have been wondering what the action has been like.  Maybe this weather change will turn the bite on next week.  Just hope the wife don't find the crawlers in the fridge;  I may be eating left-overs I don't think I'd care for!
2015/09/18 21:47:11
They may be ok deep fried or with bbq sauce you never know! I may make it up one day this week for my final trip of the year. Tree time starts in ohio saturday
2015/09/18 21:56:04
Maybe a touch of garlic........................  buttttt just a touch!   Hey, maybe they'd taste like deep fried baloney.
2015/09/19 00:44:05
Dinner is served ! Picked them myself last night.......fresh !

2015/09/19 13:47:34
Boy-O-Boy Captain that looks yummy.  A big ole cat fillet laid across that would be just the ticket.  (just a touch of garlic, please)
Ummmm, I don't suppose ya saved sum?
2015/09/20 21:04:09
Goodness gracious what a day on Pymie; I'm tellin ya, if ya like 'Rocking and Rolling' ya should of been in your boat on the water today.   I was pullin harnesses and jigs while maintaining 1 mph (gps) and the motor wasn't runnin.  I know fishing has it's ups and downs but, I never dreamed it would be quite like it was today.  Heck, even the sailboats were laying over and me, not being use to seeing that, I thought a couple of em were going in the drink!
When I launched at Snodgrass there was a light chop on the water but, by the time I got halfway to the islands on the Ohio side I was reaching for the rain gear.  Dad-burn waves was breaking over the bow of the boat like I was crabbin on the Bering Sea or sumpthin. 
Made a few passes over the shoal off the big island hoping walleye might be waiting on the other side for dinner; which reminds me, I won't be having walleye for dinner.  Moved out to deeper water, at least it looked like deeper water on the locator but, may have just been the results of riding a wave.  Eventually made my way back to the PA. side where the water became calmer allowing for some drifting over humps and bumps.
Wellllll I don't want to be long winded so I'll just sum up my trip to Pymie today..............  stupid North wind
Crappie-Slayer I can see why you whacked a stump; must likely on one of the submerged islands south of Snodgrass, the lake is certainly low.  Most likely in preparation to the scheduled improvements for the Spillway.
OH yeah....Temp. of water (surface was) 70`F. on my locater;  12 degrees colder then the last trip and with the wind whipping the lake about, better get ready to do some catchin!
Til next time,
2015/09/21 09:03:19
BTDT,  lol...only been on pymy once when it was like that.  not fun!!  good report!  my wife and I are goin up tom nite and gonna fish all day wed.  we put in near the ohio cabins and fish a little further north than you.  I will give you a report.  I agree.  this cold weather...anyday they are gonna turn on!  hopefully for us!
2015/09/21 09:42:45
Good luck Marco, IF we can trust the weather dude's report we're looking at some beautiful conditions (except for 'bluebird day' syndrome) this week.  
Had some old friends from the 'Burgh' that stayed in those cabins when they was 'mupere' fishing; those are a nice set-up and, the rental cost was reasonable.  I tell ya these guyz were such good friends; for a pick-up full of fire wood, they'd let me visit and give me a beer.
To this day, I don't think they ever figured out why the 'drain plug' wasn't in the boat when they launched one morning.
Catch a bunch.
2015/09/21 10:04:00
Better luck next time BTDT. For what it's worth, i've boated more fish with a stiff north wind this year than having it from any other direction. Heavy chop = fish stink in the boat :). Good luck this week Marco. Hope you got some fish pics to share when you get done.

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