2015/08/06 10:45:12
BTDT..... Guess you are right ..... As usual 😜
2015/08/06 17:24:08
crappie slayer..got there at 530 this morn.  started trolling south of causeway..got first eye in 5 mins.  18 inches.  then nothing..trolled tilled 9..wind picked up  started drifting meat...bad day...2 eyes...5 cats...3 perch and some gills..no one on lake.  my buddy was w me and he went up to stumps..1 crap...1 perch...but...I have fished 9 times this year at pymy..caught eyes everytime except once....great year...cant wait till fall and next spring!    crappie slayer...is yr boat brown....I left at 2 today and some guys come out and started drifting the same humps I was on...just curious!...I hope you pound them today!  fyi..only 1 amish boat today..that says something!!!!
2015/08/06 20:09:51
Marco, I've done that a few times this year where I went out and got one in the first few minutes I was there and then.......nothing. Had a slow day today myself. My father and I made it out for about 2 1/2 hrs this afternoon. Was hoping for a windier day, but it didn't happen. Only managed 2 short ones. My dad had a third one on that was legal, but somebody muffed the net job and it got off. Won't be letting me forget that for a few days :). Wasn't me in the brown boat. We didn't get there till 4:30.
2015/08/06 20:42:31
   Thanks to Crappie and Marco for the 'heads-up, hope ya have better luck next and maybe I'll see yinz out there.
Mopars let me know where ya might be.............  I Will be on the water for sure, unless it's them there, dad burn "Blue Bird Days".
2015/08/06 20:45:53
Having been posting in a while but have been able to hit the lake last three Friday evening's and Saturday mornings trolling. Everything south of causeway for eyes.  The pattern for me has been two 19-20" ones on Friday and 2-4 19-21" ones on Saturday.  Couple large mouth bass a only a few small cats. Good year for eyes for me though.
Will not be back out until first week in September as vacation comming up with family. Titghtlines 
2015/08/06 20:58:41

2015/08/07 08:00:46
thanks for info guys...fyi...I quit here 5 yrs ago because people were ****ing that too many people were giving secrets away and the lake would get fished out.  been on here one month and already a guy from the town I live in ****ed at my best friend that I talk too much on this site...lmao...is this what fishing has come too?
2015/08/07 11:10:13
Naw Marco it ain't nothing new, a guy wanting to keep his "honey hole" a secrete.  
Goodness, I remember wayyyyyyyyyyyyy back in the fifties being told to keep quiet about where we caught the fish. Which I didn't and was always ready to run at the gums.  Sure glad I got over that in my older years.  
Use to have a ball with my brother-in-law fishing  French Creek around Franklin, back in the day.  He would sneak off, to his hot spots,  catch 'smallies' then shove "Polaroid" pictures in my face or invite me to a fish fry which was usually on a day I couldn't make it.  Didn't take me long to find him and I would hide and throw rocks in the creek, take pictures of fish I caught in in his spots that revealed landmarks or, just get there ahead of him.  The end results were always the same, he wouldn't talk to me.
You just keep doing what your doing because it gives you pleasure, in helping others to be successful.  It is goodwill such as yours that separates a fisherman from a sportsman.
As for the naysayers, just like my brother-in-law, they'll just have to get over it!
2015/08/07 13:56:16
Anybody here on this thread use "Down East" rod holders and need two more? For free? They look like the D10 model, worth 30 bucks if they were new. Free to the first person who wants them... Figuring a Pymatuning fisherman might be the first to see this post. :) First PM in my inbox, gets them.
I got them when I purchased a boat recently.
Fishing Wilhelm tomorrow, I will report back if I catch anything worth writing about.
edit 8/10/2015 1:00 PM rod holders Spoken for pending PM of an address.
2015/08/07 17:22:05
The Alaskan
Saturday is going to be a Pymy day!!!!!

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