2014/10/12 19:01:23
I get tired of re tying tippet to my leader in the winter months. Anyone out there had success just spooling flouro right on the reel? I may try this with seaguar 6lb invis x. Normally I use that line as my tippet, but I'm thinking about just eliminating the "middle man" altogether. What say yinz?
Also, I bought a 4.9lb tippet for low clear conditions called tectan. Nice diameter compared to others. Anyone use it?
2014/10/13 08:27:17
fisher, I use the dam tectan on 1 or 2 of my reels.  the thing to remember about that is that there is no stretch to that line.  if it's rated at 4.9lb, it will break at 4.9lbs.  but because of the thinner diameter compared to other lines of the same poundage, you can go up to a higher rated line poundage.  anymore when I buy line, i compare the pound test/diameter charts of the lines i'm looking at.
Right now on my steelhead fly rod i'm running 7 feet of regular spooled line off my fly line.  it's the DAM Power Trout System fluorocarbon coated line.  i then use either a tippet ring or tiny barrel swivel to attach the size line i'm going to attach my fly to as water conditions dictate (clearer water, lower pound test).  Now this butt end line is rated at 10.3 lbs, kind of big for steelheading, but it has a diameter of .22mm.  Compare this to the Seaguar Abrazix line that has a diameter of .22mm, and you're now in an 8lb test rated line.  I just started using this system the other day, and I've been banging the steelhead.  The water has been stained tho, and i think that's how i've been getting away with the weightier line.  So to answer your question, yeah, spool it right on.  I refuse to pay the prices they want for 1/4 of the amount of leader or tippet.
2014/10/13 08:37:09
I used 4lb invis-x for main line in the tribs for 3 or 4 yrs with no issues. I switched to 6lb maxima ultra green last year for no particular reason.
2014/10/14 09:04:04
Fisher - I use both the Tectan Superior (Mono) and Seaguar Invizx and here is my experience.
Until this year, I would have 2 spools with me, one filled with 4# and one with 6# Invizx. And per conditions use one or the other. It saved time with retying, no doubt. But the part that bothered me was Invizx is fluoro(no stretch) and sinks. So it was hard to mend the line and when I would do it, it would spook the fish as it would touch them. Also, while Invizx is the softest fluoro available, it is still a bit a bit coarse when compared to mono. 
So this year, I spooled my reel with the Tectan Superior Mono in 6.6# and for tippet 4# or 6# Seaguar Blue Label fluoro. Blue label has the thinness of Invizx. Since Mono floats, mending the line was easier which is what i hoped for, but the best part was how manageable Tectan is. The line is thin, stretches and has no memory. Not sure how much the stretch helped, but I had no issues pulling out some fresh 8#+ chromers and casting super small floats was easier. Also, without memory, not once over the 2 trips this year did I have to deal with a birds nest.
We will see how this goes when the cold sets in, but so far I am very happy with the change.
My 2 cents
2014/10/14 16:12:21
Swimfishie, are you sure about that Tectan stretching?  could swear that I read that there is no stretch to that line or the guys at FishErie told me that and it will break right at the poundage that it's rated at.
2014/10/14 21:37:35
Thanks for the feedback guys.
I probably got a bad batch, but I used some 4lb seagur blue label flouro an have had more break offs than ever before. Drag set the same, knots the same, etc. And I've used other 4lb test tippet before with way more success. So my confidence in that stuff is compromised. The 6lb invisx I've had great luck with. So I'm gonna give it a go right to the reel and carry the tectan tippet 4.9 for low and clear.
2014/10/15 08:59:53
FISHUSA has a lot of line on sale today, if you want to try something different.
2014/10/15 10:12:26
Swimfishie, are you sure about that Tectan stretching?  could swear that I read that there is no stretch to that line or the guys at FishErie told me that and it will break right at the poundage that it's rated at.

Pike - It does say that there is minimal stretch, however as every mono stretches this does as well. Comparing to other mono's like Maxima or P-Line probably not as much. 
2014/10/16 10:36:40
Better off not taking short cuts and sticking with flouro leader only.  It might work ok at first, but after you battle a few hot steel that take you up and down the stream rubbing your main line against rocks it will start breaking easier than mono, and it's more expensive also. 
I usually tie up several flouro leaders the night before already cut to length with a loop on one end that I can just pull out of a small bag and attach to a tiny swivel within seconds. 
2014/10/16 10:49:44
Better off not taking short cuts and sticking with flouro leader only.  It might work ok at first, but after you battle a few hot steel that take you up and down the stream rubbing your main line against rocks it will start breaking easier than mono, and it's more expensive also. 
I never had break off issues with 4lb using a 10'6 Lt slow rod and a reel with a good drag. Always check the last few feet of any line for abrasion after landing a fish.

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