I like equipment that serves a variety of purposes, and while hip waders definitely have their place, and I like them, if you're looking to get an all-purpose pair get breathable chest waders.
You can roll them down to waist height and cinch them to stay put if the wading calls for it, or lift them all the way up when needed. Breathables allow you to use them in the Summer and if you wear warm layers, in the Winter too.
Regarding the choice between boot-foot or stockingfoot waders, that's probably negligible and best left to opinion. I personally prefer stocking foot waders because the open my choice of foot wear. That said, if I had a couple sets of waders, I'd have one of each because boot-foot waders are typically easier to put on and take off, and there's no time spent with laces or straps. (Every minute counts when the fish are biting! 8-) )