i don't see the need for anything more than an ugly stick when it comes to spin fishing... and this is coming from someone who owns 6 fly rods, some of which are quality blanks/graphite. I mean, you're using weight to propell your casts... why would you pay 100 dollars or more for something that is likely to break w. the abuse spin rods endure?
I picked up a spin rod last year and seriously looked like an idiot trying to cast one. I innately tried pulling line it to create water tension for a roll cast lol... and just out of snyc w. body functions in a cast with little weight. i.e. waxworms in low water conditions and the need for a 20 or more foot cast. Looked foolish!
funny to think I can wallis cast a centerpin or shoot line into my backing better than I can cast a spin rod.