spinning rods for trout
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Conventional Fishing & Tackle
spinning rods for trout
2011/02/24 15:12:28
the little trout fishing that i do is done with a 5wt fly rod, but what kinds of spinning rods do you folks use for trout? ultra-lights or long rods? never thought about it much, probably will not do it, but just curious.
2011/02/24 15:26:19
Noodle rods on larger creeks or open areas-same ones that I use for steelhead
7' med Ugly Stick when going back into the woods
2011/02/24 17:08:10
noodle rod or 7foot ultra light ugly stick same as for steelies and perch unless i am using fly rod
2011/02/24 20:22:52
I've always used a 5 foot or 5 and 1/2 foot rod, never had a problem, but i normally fish pretty small creeks
2011/02/24 21:30:57
have a fenwick UL that's just under 5 ft. love the small streams in the area.
2011/02/25 08:32:40
trout man
I use a 5" ultra light and 4# mono. I like to go small. Most of the trout fishing i do is small streams and the light outfit allows me to get into the tight areas. Its a bonus to get a bigger fish on the small outfit.
Trout Man
2011/02/25 09:03:34
Eagle claw Featherlight 6' or my Ugly Stick light thats 7' on most waters.On real big water, I use my 8.6' Whuppin Stick crappir rod. On small mountain streams I got several 5.6' ultra lights that I use.
2011/02/25 15:00:29
when fishing bait i use a noodle rod, same as steelie fishing. if throwing spinners and lures i use a 6' - 7' med-fast action, ultra light graphite rod or a <6' for small streams. but 80% of the time i'm fly fishing. so i usually have 5 - 6 rods with me for an overnight trip like for 1st day.
2011/02/25 15:14:27
World Famous
You guys ought to try a 9 or 10 foot rod on the small streams. I can poke through a small opening and just feed line through the end; with a little rod , you have to cast. Even with an open area, I can flip alot more accurate then anyone can cast...WF
2011/02/25 15:24:24
Erie Mako
Fisherlady2 likes her 10' crappie rod on the streams we fish in Elk County! - More reach with less wading I guess.
Ask her about her technique of hand-lining undercut banks...I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it for myself!
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