2018/03/25 12:12:18
Crazy... combat fishing at its finest
2018/03/25 14:57:54
Once again when will the PBFC wake up to needed new rule changes in that Pymy Snag City zone ! It's totally 100% the Fish Commission's fault to allow that to carry on year after year !
Simply zone it off limits during spawning time like they do for all the state's inland waters......that will work ! Why do they bother to shut down all the inland waters during spawning then ?
Once again the PBFC make no sense on certain issues....and they can't explain why !
2018/03/25 22:00:31
Agreeed i kust seen on Facebook Robinson bait tackle made a post about this issue, just shut it down its stupid but honestly if you can stand there and jig for hrs you should get a psyc evaluation
2018/03/26 08:52:51
Once again when will the PBFC wake up to needed new rule changes in that Pymy Snag City zone ! It's totally 100% the Fish Commission's fault to allow that to carry on year after year !
Simply zone it off limits during spawning time like they do for all the state's inland waters......that will work ! Why do they bother to shut down all the inland waters during spawning then ?
Once again the PBFC make no sense on certain issues....and they can't explain why !

PFBC can write tickets
2018/03/27 17:19:30
I'm sure they write a few tickets but no wardens work 24/7.
I doubt many bother to work midnight shift...that's only on TV. Even when those poachers and outlaws get caught you got to wonder how long did they actually get away with it before
"the man" busted them!   
2018/03/28 04:49:53
I'm surprised the Russians haven't picked up on it... them nasty drawbacks must taste better
2018/03/28 11:38:11
I think it’s just like trout season...the fish commission wants as many people elbow to elbow in as small of place as possible so they can watch the action from their cars. No walking involved, and less wasted time.
I was planning on taking my kayak up the next time I went, but it seems pretty useless now.
I’ve only fished it there a couple times but each time the people were rowdy but friendly. I use to assume that people just snagged walleyes there, but after seeing it first hand that’s definitely not the case. 99% of the fish caught are legal hooked. At least when I was there, all the fish caught were males. So especially in a lake that has little to no natural reproduction you’re not hurting the population.

I went out and fished the maumee river last spring also and fishing along that chain at Pymie is more sporting then going out there hands down. That entire fishery during the “spawn” is nothing but a floss fest for anyone with a rod and reel.
I think it’s total BS that they would close that area off to boats. Address the people causing the problems don’t punish everyone because some people can’t play nice with others

**the fish commission was running a drone up there earlier this year too
2018/03/28 12:01:06
2018/03/28 12:17:35
Lol anything to get the crowds out! By that report I expect roping 6 legal eyes by 9 😂😂😂
2018/03/29 09:15:35
fished last night... no action.... water is COLD
and yes walleye last spring was rotten for me...

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