2009/03/08 16:25:40
Just because a majority supports something doesn't make it prudent or correct.  A majority of old men in this state like to see millions of pelletheads stocked in marginal water every year.  They like to take my money and put tiny-mouthed pelletheads in drainage ditches, so people who fish once a year can get their limit on opening day.  Most don't listen to why its ridiculous, they just keep supporting it, because its what they have always done.  Its the fatal marriage of blind faith in government, the romanticization of trout, and an inability to think outside the concrete raceway.  But there are fewer and fewer of you every year.   

I never claimed to love democracy. 
2009/03/08 16:26:23
And I'm only talking inland streams.
I blame it more on the PFBC as they have conditioned the masses over the years to buy a liscence for a couple limits of trout...
The Steelhead program(albeit a put and take fishery also) is a great success...
Not afraid of a good****poundin if it's what I beleive in...
2009/03/08 16:26:24
2009/03/08 16:57:25
2009/03/08 17:03:57
"They like to take my money and put tiny-mouthed pelletheads in drainage ditches,"
You keep forgetting that it's THEIR money too, and no-one forces you to buy a Trout stamp.
One would think, listening to some, that there were no warm water stocking at all. Some years they put more Walleye ( albeit not adult size ) in lake Artur alone, than they put Trout in the whole state.
As for "romanticizing" them cowboy. Not from this guy. They're dumber than 3 sacks of monkey shiite, but sometimes ( on the ice, or in the spring while waiting for the Striper action ) it's fun to just go whack some "easy" fish. I DO though, recognize the opportunities that it provides ( even in "marginal" water ) for kids, AND adults to go nearby, and catch a few fish. It also DOES mean money. Not only to the PF&BC, but to local bait/fly shops, and other nearby businesses. Small business opportunities ARE a good thing. No?
I agree with not stocking over natural/native fish. The PF&BC I believe, is reviewing the Trout program to adress some of these concerns. Here a link that will show what they do, and why they do it.
2009/03/08 19:41:39
Spoon. I do not buy a trout stamp to fish for hatchery trout. I buy is because it is required on native streams, the Erie Tribs, and waters under special regs.
I am glad you agree on the bad decision by the commish to stock over native fish.
2009/03/08 20:30:42
Ditto.  Thats the only reason I buy one.  Plus, I fish some other creeks that are "approved trout waters" for smallmouths, not even chasing pelletheads and I just don't want to be hassled by the federales. 
2009/03/08 20:34:42
Whats wrong with "kids and adults" going nearby and catching some smallmouths or sunfish?  Why does it have to be an expensive, dog food-fed, tiny-mouthed pellethead?  What is so **** great about a stocked trout? 
2009/03/08 20:57:52
every year it's the same thing over and over. the pfc promises a better trout program and wants to raise the license fees, and then comes spring and there is always an excuse, that they are going to stock less fish this year because of this or that. If I gave my boss that many excuses I wouldn't be working there anymore.
2009/03/08 21:54:29
Does anyone have the numbers on how many fisherman buy a license (or trout stamp) just for the first few days of trout season?  Seems to me that it is quite a few.  I am not blind to some of the "insanity" but traditions are strong in PA.  I have often thought that so much money goes into the trout program just to keep the money coming in.  Spoon is right, don't overlook all the warmwater stockings.  Now, if anyone could get a walleye to eat a trout pellet, to make raising larger walleye cost effective, we would all be eating good.

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