2009/03/05 10:59:09
ORIGINAL: SteelPerch

Anyone who eats walleye on a regular basis is nuts IMO.  Those things are so chalked full of mercury and chemicals, I can't imagine anyone willingly eating them once they read up on all of the pollutants that are in them.

Not all walleye come from the Great Lakes.
2009/03/05 13:43:04
I'd like them to change it to 3 a day limit and increase fall stockings. Its nice to get out on a fall day and have the stream mostly to yourself. Not like the madness of early spring. They should re-open the Tiger trout stocking as well. We need some more variety, how bout some Brookbows & Brownbows as well.  The state does a pretty good job and I really have no complaints, they do stock alot of fish. Pa is one of the most heavily trout stocked states out there. Ohio doesn't even stock any streams with pellet heads, only lakes.
2009/03/05 14:04:12
hence why a Pa year resident license cost the same as an Ohio year non resident license
2009/03/05 14:42:20
Never said eat bass or muskys...never have never will...
I'll eat 15-22 inch walleyes out of Pymy and some of the inland lakes  every day.
2009/03/06 19:06:44
Stocking millions of trout in places they never belonged never made much sense to me. It just isnt natural. The only good that can come out of stocking is. Places that can hold a trout population year round. And in this case fingerlings would be the way to go. Also the commish, to this point have been stocking streams with a good to great population of native fish.
If they end stocking. I feel the money could be put to better use.
2009/03/07 08:27:10
IT would be nice to have an access stamp for state wide stream easement procurement along with the trout stamp. An example $7-10 for a trout stamp and $7-10 for an access stamp. the Access stamp could be required on stream/rivers with special regulations and easements.
Pa licenses are a good value and trout stamp/creel limit down right a steal. Especially with a 5 fish creel. I think 3 would be more realistic and still get the marginal fisherman to the stream. Times are changing especially with the current economic turmoil occurring. The PAFBC must be as frugal as a household with both parents unemployed.
2009/03/08 11:14:11
I agree 100% bings. They should start stocking more edible gamefish walleye crappie exc. I haven't kept a trout in 10 years. 
2009/03/08 12:15:41
I should clarify myself a little better...I really don't have anything against trout. Only trout I ever kill or keep goes on the wall...I love to catch them..Pelletheads taste like crap to me...
I guess I am more against that opening day madness and only putting fish in the creeks to sell liscences to the bucket brigade....Thank God they only fish 1-2 weeks and then move on to something else when the fish are gone from the holes by the road..
Trout season should be open all year around...It is mostly a put and take fishery anyway.
Wild reproducing schools of fish would have special regs...Mabee more fall stockings..
I would rather catch 1 hold over trout than a dozen pelletheads fresh out of the bucket...
Would get my nut to see them back up to Pymy, Shenango, Canadohta and some of the inland lakes with a truck load of eyes the same number and size of trout that would be on that same truck headed for a creek they can't even survive in ..
2009/03/08 12:35:53
Strandman and Bings,

Don't make too much sense on here.  You will find little if any support for what you say outside of very few people who can step back and realize the inanity of massive pellethead stocking.  You'll be savaged for it. 

Don't discuss anything.  Don't question anything.  Don't offer any improvements for the current state of affairs.  Spoonchucker and his gang will explain to you, in no uncertain terms that your ideas are not welcome.  They will tell you why you are wrong and why everything the PFBC and any other branch of government does is perfect and cannot be improved.  If there are changes to be made, they have to come from the top down.  They will dictate to you and you will like it.  These branches of government know what is best for you and if you have a problem with it, there must be something wrong with you.  Stocking pelletheads in marginal water is a great idea and stockies are the best eating fish around. The trout stamp is a great idea and if it cost $200 a year, it would still be a bargain.  There is no limit to the money that can be spent stocking pelletheads.  If you disagree, like Mugz says, tough luck, just stop fishing, he won't miss you. 
2009/03/08 16:16:24
"You will find little if any support for what you say outside of very few people who can step back and realize the inanity of massive pellethead stocking." 
The underlined says it all. Very few who SEE IT as insanity ( doesn't make it so ). Over two thirds of license holders, also purchase a Trout stamp, not counting combo stamps. Apparently the majority do not share your opinion. So you're up against that democracy thing, you "claim" to love.

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