The recent heat has me not feeling like sitting in a stand. Went Friday afternoon and all I saw were 2does and a fawn. The fawn was the only one that came into range. Sat Saturday from sunup until noon in a different property and again the only shot was on a fawn.
Think the buck in my area are definitly starting to move though, as some historic scrapes are finally opened up as of saturday. Went to work on Sunday and had a nice 9pt in the middle of the road I came to a full stop for drop his head like he was gonna charge the truck. He let me pass, then immediately resumed his position in the road. Think there was a hot doe not too far away.
Few jobs to get caught up on at work on the next couple days, but then I'm hitting it hard this last week. Can't wait for the temps to drop. My pickyness is gone, but I got some pics of the 10pt on my property recently, so glad to know he is still out there. He must be hating the heat as well, as they are still all late night pics.
Good luck out there guys!