Anzo I would like to express my regret in that I misread your question in regard to DarDys thread.
I thought you supported the idea of gene control and antler growth, by hunting and hunting alone.
My rant was triggered when I read DarDy's comment saying he would wait for bucks from other areas and the mention of "no youth hunters" hunt those area's.
I understand DarDys would rather have, and enjoy as much, a young hunter take a buck and so would I. But I would enjoy seeing an older hunter take that same buck just as much.
You see, many hunters on this forum have sentimental feelings when a young hunter shoots their first deer and that is just fine in my book.
But those same hunters seem to lose that sentimental feeling if an older hunter would shoot that same deer..... maybe his/her "last" deer.
That same hunter who over the years has, paid for the hunting the youths can enjoy today.
That same hunter whose stories might entice a young person to hunt.
So while we find enjoyment with young hunters being succesful, I also find sadness in seeing more & more older hunters giving up the hunt, not because of age but, because of the BS AR's.
Now, there's a "gene pool" the PGC should be concerned with.
The 'hunting gene' gets passed on less & less everytime an old hunter hangs up his guns.
With that, thanks for trying to understand and sorry I don't have written data reports, as I only have 57 years experience, hunting Penn Wood's.
Special youth regulations do not and are not fair. Hunter populations by age vary greatly across WMU's like 1A.
No way, unless on posted property, does any buck have chance of getting by 2.5 years of age, in areas of Mercer County, PA.
I don't give a chyt what any PennState data study says. In my years of hunting, I've seen far too many bogus data studies.