2019/11/08 20:58:29
Good doggy.

Congrats Dave, super to hear you got out.

Give Rocky a pat on the head for me.

Great picture.
2019/11/09 05:37:59
Way to go Dave and Rocky!

I’ve been deer hunting (and not seeing any of these bucks running hither and yon in rut) instead of pheasant hunting the pointers because some drunk, who was also high (and currently is awaiting sentencing on 15, count them, 15 felony counts) rear ended me a week ago Monday and I cannot haul the mutts in the rental vehicle.

Of course, all my buddies are texting me how many birds they are killing and you guys are writing about all the bucks you are seeing, while I’m beating my head against a wall doing neither.
2019/11/09 18:28:18
Pretty good last two days. Saw 6 bucks yesterday and 9 bucks today. Passed 3 legal ones up today. Friday morning I had a 10 point coming and I was ready as he walked into my 30 yard shooting lane. Problem is my loud bleating didn't get him to stop. He was on a mission apparently and paid me no attention. Dang it! 
2019/11/09 19:33:33
Ever herd, of the elusive PA White-Tailed Deer?

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Still no real sign of estrus.... Nothing seen working the scrape and have not seen horns since the half-rack.


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2019/11/09 22:52:06
btdt, May I hunt there? Even I might not get lost on the way out with that light post there .  lol  sam
2019/11/09 23:30:28
Sam you would be most welcome anytime.

No need to worry of getting lost, choot-em right off my front or back porch.

Not responsible for reactions from neighbors, should you need to field dress your deer in their front yard, though. 🙈

Pretty wild for sure. Hunted acres of farm land the past years and felt lucky to see one or two deer in a week.

Quit hunting and move to a more populated area, the stupid things are everywhere.

Still fun to watch, they're so dam cute.
2019/11/10 16:16:06
Welp..... finding going to a dentist slightly more exciting than the Falcons Saints game, I thought a I'd do a little hunting today.

Not to worry, shoot & release is legal on Sunday if younz get permission from the land owner so I ask my wife and she said "go away", so I took that as a yes.

Anyways, I think I got this rut thingy figured out. Ya see in the shot taken today, the deer again just milling around, munching and none paying no attention to the nearby scrape.

I'm thinking the larger of the three is the mommy and the other two are her twins and it looks like one of them has little nubbins.. ehhh, buttons errr button buck?

Heh hehhh, that's what my wife calls me.... her little nubbin. She's just so darned cute.

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Anyways again, I'm thinking maybe the seasons may be slightly off and winter ended already cause this guy didn't see his shadow.

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P.S. With all the Q-sacks in todays game, did BigBen get traded to the Saints?


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2019/11/10 16:23:37
any mention in the Texas data of the high fenced ranches altering antler growth with feed quality, minerals, vitamins, etc?

Typically this is done to maximize the yield. Doesn't alter the genetics though. 
2019/11/10 16:25:56
Back at it this week. Breaking out the IWOM XT body garment for Tuesday and Wednesday. Gonna be cold..... If we get the little bit of snow they are calling for Monday night, It will be pretty cool archery hunting the November rut with some snow on the ground. 
2019/11/10 18:05:02
Thanks Gene, they sure grow bigger in Texas.

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