2019/11/06 18:47:10
GREAT 5 min. hunt.
2019/11/06 18:47:52
2019/11/06 19:03:22
Moses Guthrie
Thanks guys and congrats Anz, nice buck.

Been seeing some pics of some real bruisers being taken in the big woods up north this week.
2019/11/06 19:59:42
Congrats ANZ. Nice buck 👍. Did another afternoon sit saw probably a Shooter buck but he saw me first or winded me though .. end of story .... lol. And a doe in the field leaving at dark ! Just the way my season has been going but still having fun 😜👍🍺... nothing on camera last 2 days either 😡
2019/11/06 21:59:52
Mopars..... I been keepin my fingers crossed for you, maybe I should uncross them and wish you bad luck. Reverse Psychology🏹

Good luck it's your turn.🦌
2019/11/07 07:13:13
Moses Guthrie
The shot was a little back but with the angle of the shot and with the deer running quickly head down and tail down and twitching, I was confident the deer wasn't going far. Gave it an hour and found him laying about 90 yds away.

Way to go! Congrats on the fine buck!
2019/11/07 07:14:14
Lead this fella to a 6 yard shot. Piled up 50 yards later. Was not in the stand 5 minutes maybe.

Might not be much of a story buck a heck of a fine buck is the result. Congrats man!
2019/11/07 07:19:51
Finally getting around to posting as I have been doing all day sits. Saturday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Took this morning off with the nasty front coming through, then plan to hunt this afternoon close to home. 
Things slowed a bit from my epic day Saturday with 12 bucks seen. I saw 6 bucks Tuesday and 7 bucks yesterday. Passed up several legal bucks during that time, with one that I passed twice I probably should have shot. He is heavy horned but relatively narrow spread and shortish tines. Big bodied deer, most likely 3.5 y/o. Seen a couple of shooters that never came close enough and would not respond to calling. 
Interesting that over the past two days, most of the bucks movement has been mid day. I always tell folks that mid day can be great this time of the year, especially if it is cold out
2019/11/07 13:50:58
Genetics has come up here from time to time and here may be an example--
A friend has a great piece of Pvt agricultural property here in Ct locked down and takes shooters every year with bow and gun.
This year he has seen two very odd sets of horns on mature bucks throughout the Summer into fall.
One has 8 pt. horns crossed at  the base and then they appear to look normal from a distance, each standing up on the wrong side.
The second, also an 8 pt., has a normal side and the other base goes almost straight down with normal looking points on it sticking straight out.
He took that second buck in early bow and the cross horn is still out there.
Today he went out and took ,a heretofore unobserved,  magnificent 190 lb buck with large thick heavily palmed horns and large thick drop ties with kickers on them , it was very nontypical.
Depending on how ya count its a 12 or 14 point even with obvious breakage on the drops.
The latter (todays harvest)is a 4 1/2 year old at the very minimum and the others are 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 year olds.
WE kinda think it may be  the older one that has spread the unusual gene pool.
If so its kinda nice because even if there are no more bucks displaying ( beyond the one still out there) they had plenty of time to spread the pool - not to mention does that likely carry it.
Todays buck was VERY heavily necked with dark tarsals and came to a grunt.
He has hunted there for many years and has never observed horn oddities in the past.
2019/11/07 15:13:08
My question, why the laws in PA are written to remove the heavy horned bucks from the gene pool leaving the scrubs to mate?

I know my experience of hunting PA for 56 years, as well as, running field cams 24/7/52 for 10 plus years (in farm field and woods on hill and in valleys), doesn't count as "scientific data" but my data sure don't coincide with the reports generated by the "independant agencies" hired to conduct "scientific studies" for the PGC.

Hey, if I hire (using monies better spent elsewhere) one of those "independant agencies" to write a "scientific report" gleaned from my observations, Would I now have "scientific data" annnd maybe become famous.

How stupid.... I'm already famous.🤗

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