There is nothing remotely resembling what all y’all are describing as rut activity going on around here — in person or pictures.
Three or more weeks ago, it was typical to pull camera cards and see 5-7 different bucks on each camera in a 10-14 day time frame. Since then, maybe 3-5 total bucks on all cameras — all at night, except a single one horn on Saturday.
None of those photographed, however, were making or remarking existing scrapes, just moving through and feeding. Same with does, just hanging, eating, or traveling — none with bucks in pursuit.
Yesterday, I spent before dawn until unable to see in the best spot on the property and I saw one spike in the AM just wondering through and two does in the evening, just feeding through. None paid any attention to the scrape line I could see (which hasn’t been tended for three weeks), nor the mock scrape I added to the end of the line.
Grunting, bleating, rattling, bring completely silent did nothing at all.
I can see a 60 acre field to the south which is surrounded by woods and not a single deer entered nor crossed it.
There certainly was no does being pushed about or bucks chasing does or bucks challenging one another or bucks marking territory— in person in two days or on camera in more than two weeks.
When last our female Pointer was in heat, the boy dogs were losing their ever loving little minds. They had to be separated; couldn’t be left out together at all; jaws were popping; noses were running; every place she peed, they had to cover with their own; they just wouldn’t give her a minute of peace. This is kind of what I expected with the deer, but on a more subtle scale. But nothing.
Maybe this week with it getting colder.
At least I hope.