Welp I climbed into my highchair for the first time, this afternoon.
Bout 5:45 there came a shot to my south. Then at 6 straight up, a shot to my north followed by a second and then, a third shot about thirty seconds apart. I'm guessing must a been one of them AK muzzle loaders as fast as they was firing. But then again, I don't think there is a law against carrying multiple muzzle loaders, is there? I mean hell, a guy could carry a golf bag full if he wanted to, I'm thinkin'.
Anyways, 'bout six 15ish out of no where appears my first deer and it is the three legged doe, no less. Gave some serious thought to putting her out of her misery but I wasn't sure just how high, above her shoulder, I should hold my pin for a 275 yard shot. Besides, Mother Nature has allowed her to survive for three years and with a fawn too.
Then one by one till a total of seven now feeds near my high rise ground blind which also, is 275 yards away.
Stayed away from the blind cause as most of yinz know, during firearms season yinz need a orange banner within 15 feet and visible 360 degrees as well as be dressed in appropriate orange apparel. So I decided to sit in a tree and in lieu of displaying an orange banner in the required manner, I chose to wear a stupid orange hat.
Welp, several of the deer did make their way toward my high chair then stopping about a 100 yards away, staring into the tree line, as if they were seeing some idiot sitting in a tree wearing a stupid orange hat.
Did I mention I also got my asz soaked in the brief but many, rain showers.
Gosh what memories I had, as I was swinging 20 feet off the ground, in cold gusty winds.
Will I do it again you may wonder, to which my answer would be just one word.