2018/12/11 16:14:23
I'm lookin forward to late season, pointy stick shootin, fo sho.  Be nice to have somebody to talk to, around this thread, again.  Allllllllthough, I'm not so sure them guys isn't closer 'en what I think.  An awfully lot of shootin goin' on, in nearby parts.  Never did find where them guyz run off to, but it sounds like far more bull-shootin than deer shootin', goin on.
Good times and 3 tines.  
2018/12/27 07:38:02
Hope to be sitting Friday afternoon for my first late season archery go round. They are calling for rain in the morning, tapering to scattered showers in the afternoon. I guess I will check out the radar before deciding if I will go or not. I did a trail camera check this past weekend and it seems there are quite a few deer moving in the area of my stand. 
2019/01/01 18:55:08
Did an afternoon sit today and saw nothing!
2019/01/02 12:46:11
Neighbor called me last night at 4:45 he got a doe guess only took 15 minutes to find it.. asked if he needed any help getting it out ... said nope just wanted you to know you got some more venison coming .... lol
2019/01/06 08:22:50
Went out Friday afternoon for an evening archery hunt. I must be getting soft in my old age. Had a doe and her little one come past at 3:30. She is an old doe that is missing her right rear leg just below the ham. Been seeing her for a few years now. Tough old girl. Just couldn't bring myself to shoot her.
2019/01/12 20:45:32
Did an evening sit tonight in steady snow with the bow. Had two within 20 yards of me on several occasions but both were fawns. Still 2 weeks to go in the SRAs. 
2019/01/14 17:18:19
Landowner that owns the land I was hunting Saturday afternoon texted me Sunday and asked why I wasn't hunting. There were deer all over the place all day long in and out of the woodlot. She said if I just sat on her back porch I should be able to get one. I reminded her that we can't hunt on Sundays......... 
2019/01/14 19:54:33
Them's the kinda stories, fun memories are made from. 👍
2019/01/18 19:16:57
Still sitting in a tree here in 2B. Sat till dark tonight. Seen three at last light but they were headed the other way. Back at it tomorrow morning before the storm.
2019/01/23 08:44:54
Big Tuna
My son finally filled his Ohio buck tag yesterday afternoon. I very modest 6 pt. $200.license,35 trips in gas $450-500, $100 in corn ( baiting is legal) $75 deer processor. $875 for some free deer meat.lol We don't care about the money is own fun and and relaxation.lol Now I've got to buy vac bags,pork butts,hog casings. This sausage deer is costing quite a bit.lol  Finally cost about $12 a pound.lol  He probably saw 25 bucks but only 2 where up to his standards.lol He saw this deer on the first day in September and probably 5 or 6 more times. I was going to shoot one of the several little bucks on the farm but it's cheaper to eat my $200. Tag.lol I think 4 in the freezer enough this year and 1 given away to feed the needy. 

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